Thursday, December 27, 2007

Merry White Christmas!

We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and that Santa was extra generous this year. We had a great Christmas and even had snow! The odds of that happening in the Portland area are less than 1%, so it was quite a treat.

Gabriel did quite alright at our house. Santa left him a Thomas & Friends toddler bicycle and a toddler digital camera. Both were hits, but the big hit was the Brio Aqueduct waterway toy that we got him.. photo is below.

It's a wet mess in the kitchen, but the boy has been captivated by it and Bebe has had a blast with it as well. Yeah, there's wet towels all around the place but hey - no single toy has ever kept Gabriel's and Bebe's attention in the same place at the same time for as long as they can play with it!

Nana, Papa, and Great Gramma were able to join us for Christmas, including a dinner with the tastiest smoked ham I've ever had. Organic and nitrate-free from New Seasons. Leading up to Christmas, we enjoyed Zoo Lights, the Grotto, baking sugar cookies, and leaving some cookies out for Santa on the fireplace on Christmas Eve.

In addition to the above photo, I've made a greatly overdue update on our Flickr! photo page with shots spanning from Maui in October to Christmas just the day before. Also included are Gabriel's SuperGabriel Halloween Costume courtesy of Gramma, Autumn Leaves, Tea Parties, Family Thanksgiving, Christmas Tree Hunting, Jill's Birthday (see post below), and Gabriel's first movie theater experience (and first foreign film The Red Balloon).

Happy New Year!

Happy Belated Birthday (Post) Jill!

Jill celebrated her birthday a couple of weeks ago and I've been rather remiss by not posting anything. Truth be told, it's been kinda difficult to grab the digital camera memory chip during all the holiday festivities this month. Excuses, excuses.

I hope you had a happy birthday, Jill. It was sort of a two-day celebration with the company dinner at Andina on your birthday and then a family get together the next night. But I know you had a good time and managed a nice pair of new earrings as well! Gabriel clearly had a blast, too.

Happy Birthday, Sweetie! I love you!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hang the Moosletoe

Looks like everybody's favorite alcoholic moose in Anchorage is getting into the Christmas spirit. Buzzwinkle (doesn't get any better than that) apparently got drunk eating fermented crabapples again and got into a bit of a tangle with his antlers.

The Anchorage Daily News article can be found here.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

At least there's going to be nice weather in Hillsboro for the rest of the week. We'll be spending Thanksgiving with Gramma and Grampa, the Sacramento Reids and four of the Gallup Proffitts. Gabriel's had a hoot playing with cousins. There is a Wachdorf gathering in Seattle this weekend that Jill and Gabriel might make for a day or two, but looks like he's beginning to feel kinda yucky.

So a Happy Turkey Day to everyone and their families. Oh, and on a related note, if you've lately been wondering how Rick is doing, there's actually a video of him to watch.


New Website Additions

You'll notice that in the right-hand margin, there are a couple of additions to the page. First, the obvious one is the new Flickr slideshow of our family photos. They change automatically, but you can pause on one you like, move forward or backward, or just click the photo and you'll be taken to the larger version at the Flickr website.

Second, I've added a link under Family Links, to the Wachdorf geneology website, Wachdorf Connect. You can learn all about the Wachdorf, Pfleger, Hardison, and Plaehn families over there at your leisure. It's well done, with lots of photos, family letters, and other information scanned and meticulously organized.

Happy surfing!

Monday, November 19, 2007

First Christmas Post

And Thanksgiving hasn't even happened yet.

But this time-waster is definitely worth a chuckle.

Far more to also write about than there is time.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

(Even) More Photos

Gabriel & Bali Hai at Tunnels Beach, October 2007

I still plan to add a few more, but I uploaded a whole bundle today of shots that I like. Have a look at your convenience.

Monday, October 29, 2007

More Photos Uploaded

Gabriel & Ina, Waimanalo, Oahu, Hawaii October 2007

I've added quite a few new photos to our photo album, mostly from this summer, New Orleans, and a few from Hawaii. More from the Hawaii trip will be added in the next couple of days.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

He Had a Blast

Gabriel at Waimanalo Beach, Oahu, Hawaii on October 3.

More photos will be available in good time at our Flickr page soon enough. It's kinda hectic around here right now.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Happy 10th Anniversary!

Today is Jill's and my 10th anniversary. We're going to celebrate by going to Andina, an apparently great restaurant in Portland (one of the many) that we haven't yet gone to. We look forward to it.

Happy anniversary, sweety! It's been a remarkable 10 years, we have an amazing little boy together, a wonderful home, and many more years to look forward to!

I love you,


Happy Birthday Gramma!

Today is Gabriel's Gramma's birthday. She's celebrating in Colorado with Grandpa, so she's not in Oregon to share a happy birthday carrot cake with Gabriel.

We hope you're having a great day!

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

(Grandma) Betty Jean Reid

Grandma Reid passed away early Monday morning in Farmington, New Mexico, where she lived for as long as I can remember. Her health took its course as it does with folks who live to be over 85 years old. She had been receiving care in and out of her own home as her health declined.

We last saw her in person a couple of years ago when we were able to take Gabriel and enjoy a visit in her own home. Before that, and before I came to Oregon, I usually tried to drive through Farmington when I headed home from college in Texas, usually right before Christmas time. Slick roads, cold air, and herds of sheep between Cuba and Farmington made their home on La Plata drive a welcome destination. Grandma (and Grandpa) were always happy to see me, even as I greeted them with the same corny joke about whether or not they knew a certain blue spruce was growing in their front yard. Pizza (Little Caesar's - "Here's $20.. don't forget the green chile!"), sometimes cards, and always a lot of conversation were guaranteed from her shortly after my arrival.

She will be missed. I have posted the entirety of her obituary below, courtesy of the Farmington Daily Times newspaper website.

Betty Jean Reid
Staff Writer
Article Launched: 09/18/2007 12:00:00 AM MDT


Betty Jean Reid

April 26, 1922 - Sept. 17, 2007

Betty Jean Reid, 85, of Farmington, passed away peacefully early Monday morning, Sept. 17, 2007. She was born Betty Jean Tunison on April 26, 1922, in Sterling, Colo., to Edgar D. and Julia M. Tunison.

Betty was the oldest of three children raised on their family's homestead between Sterling and Akron, Colo. She graduated from high school in Atwood, Colo. She met her future husband, George H. Reid Sr., on a train from Denver, Colo., to Sterling, Colo., in 1945, as he was returning from his deployment in the South Pacific at the end of WWII. Betty spent her time caring for her family and friends, quilting, camping and fishing.

Betty was preceded in death by both of her parents and her brother, Edgar Dennis Tunison of Palm Springs, Calif.

She is survived by her husband, George H. Reid Sr., of Farmington; her sister, Kathleen Michael of Palm Harbor, Fla.; son, James Reid and his wife, Yvonne, of Fort Morgan, Colo.; son, Steve Reid and wife, Ellen, of Casper, Wyo.; son, David Reid and his wife, Dianne, of Hillsboro, Ore.; daughter, Betty Rice of Farmers Branch, Texas; son, George Reid Jr. of Farmington; 10 grandchildren, six great-grandchildren, and numerous nieces and nephews.

Visitation for Betty will be 5 to 6 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 19, at Brewer, Lee & Larkin Funeral Home, 103 E. Ute St. in Farmington. Graveside services will be at 10 a.m. on Thursday, Sept. 20, at Memory Gardens of Farmington, with Father Tim Farrell.

Betty is in the care of Brewer, Lee & Larkin Funeral Home; (505) 325-8688.

May you finally enjoy rest and peace.

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Aunt Kate!

We hope Kate is having a wonderful time celebrating the first anniversary of her 29th birthday. Here's to many, many more anniversaries!

Kate recently updated her blog related to her birthday and Baby Hayes' progress. Go check it out at With recent Hayes photos!

Big Easy - Not Really

We returned from our trip to New Orleans late Wednesday night. There are photos and stories galore and I hope to write about what I saw, and the adventures Gabriel and Jill had while I was working and eating at the Commander's Palace. Wow.

And another Wow for the hotel we stayed at: Hotel Monteleone, the fabled birthplace of Truman Capote and hotel home of Tennessee Williams when he wrote A Streetcare Named Desire. Wow.

More after I finish this economic impact study of a $3.7 billion nuclear power plant proposed in Idaho. Can that be considered familial betrayal?


Wednesday, August 15, 2007


Bill Simpsonized, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Hmm.. this character must be Montgomery Burns' land use consultant.

Try it out for yourself.. you have to have a headshot to upload to that website. Maybe I can use this on my passport renewal?

Welcome to 35-44

This past birthday was a rite of passage: I'm now part of the significantly less-important 35-44 age demographic. Far fewer television shows, movies, music, etc. will be (fruitlessly) geared towards me because I'm almost certainly socking away more money for retirement and children than the spendthrift 25-34 cohort.

The problem is that advertisers also care WAY too much about what Gabriel thinks... one seriously understands why cereal, candy, toys, etc. are placed the way they are in stores and when/what type of print and broadcast ads are running. Ugh.

And I can already say new "music" is definitely getting way too loud, too and I don't even begin to understand it. I'll only start worrying when I stop chuckling at the guy throwing the football through the tire swing in that TV ad.

P.S. The recent, new Mattel toy recall does not affect anything Gabriel plays with at grandparents' houses to the best of my knowledge. It's really an older-child toy recall.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Happy Birthday To Us!

Blowing Out Candles, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Gabriel turned 3 and I turned 35 yesterday, capping a three-day birthday celebration for the both of us. Here we are blowing out the birthday candles on our family party birthday cake.

Gabriel is growing up to be a sweet, curious, determined, and very funny little boy and I couldn't be any happier or more proud. Happy birthday, little man.

Gabriel had a Saturday morning party at a local park for his friends Ian, Nolan, Vanessa, Zane, and Bryce. Sunday, we had a great family birthday party (I cooked my famous Hawaiian ribs and smoked salmon - eat your heart out, Tom). We were joined by Gramma, Grampa (photo?), Me-ma, Nana, Papa, and Aunty Sandy Nemeth who drove down from Mill Creek north of Seattle.

Thank you, everybody, for coming and for your generous birthday gifts. We hope you had good food and a good time. We sure did!

I have also updated our photo page with MANY, many photos that have been taken since the last update. That includes our trip to Canada, our birthday parties, final play dates with Davon & Kaya, Toni & Teryn's visit, chickens, Thomas the Tank Engine in Hood River, Tom, Kate & Hayes' visit, and various other fun.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

Smartest Words Ever Uttered in a Sitcom

"If you want to know what God thinks of money, just look at the people He has given it to."

-Audrey fforbes-Hamilton

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

This guy is my hero

But where, exactly, did he stow the BB gun? Or all of his bottled water, for that matter?

Maybe he's on to an alternative way to get to Boise. But unlike Horizon Air, no one served him complementary beer or wine during his flight (with photos).

I'm guessing he might have had a little of either one - or both - before he lifted off. And his wife is clearly an incredible sport.

They Love Me in the Twin Cities

So I missed my flight back to Portland and I'm stuck at the airport. Ugh.

I guess this is some sort of consolation.

Monday, July 02, 2007

New Video for Gabriel

"Upside Down" by North Shore Oahu's Jack Johnson - Hawaii, swimming, and Curious George. What's not to like?!

There's much to update about, but I won't do that until I get all of the photos put online. Until then, it was great visiting with Uncle Tom, Aunt Kate, Baby Hayes and Grampa while they were in town.

Check out Baby Hayes photos and updates over at ItsaReid! when you get a chance.

Friday, June 15, 2007

Feather(s) in My Cap

So last night I checked in to see how many times Google could find citations of my 1999 Journal of Urban Economics study "Do States Play Welfare Games?" (yes, they do) with David Figlio, PhD of the University of Florida and Van Kolpin, PhD of the University of Oregon.

What surprised me was that Google alone could find 142 citations by economists, political scientists and policy wonks around the world. I had no idea the paper would end up being so well-received. It seems to have become part of the foundation of economic literature internationally that substantiates the idea that subnational governments do "game" or compete with one another on different policies, in my case a welfare "race to the bottom."

What also surprised me was that the study is not only being cited by other academic studies, but also sizeable policy books internationally. So, for fun, I've changed the Paul Theroux book feature over on the right margin to different books that have cited my welfare study.

This is just further proof that Jill's family is attracted to brilliant economists!

Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thomas & Friends Recall

I just realized I hadn't posted to here in a while. It's been a incredibly busy few weeks.

But the topic of this post is a Thomas & Friends wooden railway toy recall announced yesterday. Apparently, a whole line of wooden train toys, largely with the color red, has been identified by the Federal Government as having lead paint risk.

We are not unaffected. My Easter gift to Gabriel, the Deluxe Fire Station Set, was included in the recall, including the whole station and two red-painted fire train and fire engine vehicles. We'll be contacting the store we purchased them from to get more details for return/replacement.

Below is a photo of the various wooden toys that have been recalled. Grandparents, relatives, friends that have Thomas & Friends wooden toys of their own or for Gabriel's amusement should look at the photo and then click the link above for further information.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Tragedy in Hillsboro

News about a police shooting the other day in Hillsboro right near where Gabriel's grandma lives turned slightly personal when we learned that the person shot and killed was our auto mechanic, Song.

When one thinks of unstable individuals, Song wouldn't have been at the top of my list. He was a gentle older Laotian man and did good, affordable work on our cars. So it was a shock to say the least that he reportedly grabbed a gun while paramedics were assisting him after Song's son made an emergency call. It all ended with Hillsboro police shot and killed him after he started firing his gun.

We'll be following the story as it develops and only hope to find another mechanic as nice and fair as he was.

Me-Ma Resting Up

Her stay at Tuality Hospital has been comfortable while recovering from a slight bit of pneumonia. Gabriel certainly enjoyed visiting. He climbed up into the hospital bed while Me-ma was eating dinner and, well, the rest of the visit was

Me-ma should be out soon.

Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Happy Birthday Cake with Candles

Gabriel got his award last night - a big slice of carrot cake with birthday candles - for accomplishing something rather important and he was very proud of himself.

If you recognize what this is a reward for, then you know what he did. Enough said.

Congratulations, Gabriel! A big boy indeed.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Music Video for Gabriel

Portland band (formerly of the town settled by Mr. Albert B. Kerkee) that made it big - The Shins - and their "Australia" video. Clearly filmed in Oregon during the winter. And clearly a page taken from The Smiths play book (link SFG - Safe for Gabriel).

Incidentally, Johnny Marr, the lead guitarist for The Smiths way back when, is now the guitarist for Modest Mouse, an Issaquah, Washington band now also based in Portland. They met when Marr was recording an album here. Modest Mouse with Marr is the author of this tune, "Dashboard", which I find surprisingly catchy - and funky - for a Pacific Northwest alt-rock band (video images NSFG - Not Safe for Gabriel).

Monday, May 07, 2007

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Another Kiss for Baby Hayes

Another Kiss for Baby Hayes, originally uploaded by korynasz.

It can't be said Gabriel didn't love on Baby Hayes. There's a fresh bunch of new photos, including more from the Sacramento trip, at our site.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Much To Blog, Little Time

We returned from Sacramento yesterday after our visit with Tom, Kate and Baby Hayes. It was a great visit, Hayes was remarkably mellow and content, Gabriel couldn't kiss him enough, and we visited what must be one of the best choo-choo museums in the world.

Lots of photos, lots of info I hope to get to soon. Check back regularly.

Friday, April 20, 2007

Update: Fair Oaks Illness

Yikes - someone in Fair Oaks, CA is reporting on Who is Sick? a scary combination of symptoms include burning sensations in the eyes. Specifically, a 16 year-old girl is reporting:

Runny nose Stuffy nose Sneeze,Head ache Dizzy Muscle ache Body ache Tired itchy burning eyes

Not only that, but Folsom looks like a hotbed of flu symptoms/illness right now! Quick: Tom get Kate and Hayes out of there!

Promising Website

With Gabriel battling a cold, we're not going to be able to go to Sacramento until after this weekend sometime unfortunately. There's no sense in others, particularly the baby, catching what he's dealing with right now.

But today, I stumbled upon what looks to be a promising website for parents of little ones and other germaphobes.

Who is Sick? utilizes Google Maps functionality and lets the user look up self-reported illnesses within a zipcode and the surrounding metro area. A large map on the screen shows little pie-chart icons that represent reported illnesses and each pie wedge color, if present, represents the symptom reported. If you click on any particular pie chart, a box of details about the person (age, gender, etc.) and all of their symptoms plus other comments appears.

One can also anonymously report your own illness or that of a family member to add to the data and information available.

To take it for a test run, I searched our zip code and found that runny noses/congestion seem to be happening a bit in the Hillsboro/Washington County area. Now keep in mind these are self-reported illnesses by people who have found this new/relatively unknown website. But as it grows, it'll be quite fascinating as one can watch for outbreaks of specific illnesses, by age and location. So you can rule out taking the toddler to the park if there are a lot of cold symptoms being reported in a short amount of time.

Healthy Baby & Mom

Jill and I had the chance to visit with Kate & Tom on the phone yesterday. All are doing well and Kate should be home today (Friday).

Tom sent out a great photo of Hayes yesterday; he looked very healthy and content. I'll let them post photos of him over at Its A Reid! if and when they choose to.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Hayes Tyler Reid

The world welcomed Hayes Tyler Reid at 8:10pm, April 18, 2007 in Folsom, California.

Congratulations Kate & Tom!

We look forward to heading down to Sacramento ASAP, but Gabriel's nose started running last night. We'll have to monitor him - we don't want to drag a sick little boy down to expose the baby and recovering mommy.

The official first announcement at Kate's website It's A Reid!, posted by her friend Madeline, can be read here.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Update: Maybe Tonight

Apparently Kate's labor has taken a turn for the better and she may be able to deliver tonight or early tomorrow AM.

She's comfortable and doing well (she's not had any problems to report apparently), so things are looking good!

When We Can't Be There

Listening to the music will just have to do.

I don't listen all the time, but traditional Hawaiian music has a special place in my heart. Like mariachi, little else transports me to travel memories like Hawaiian music.

So today, I've been listening to AM 940 based out of Honolulu. All Traditional Hawaiian, All The Time!

I distinctly remember listening to AM 940 when driving at night on Kaua'i. On the meandering road from Anini to Kilauea to pick up an occasional smoked ono pizza at Pau Hana Pizza, I could hear lapping ocean waves through the driver's side window, AM 940 gently playing in the car, Kilauea Lighthouse beaming in the distance, and oh the moon and stars in the glare-free night sky.

Until we can return, a live music feed on the internet will suffice.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Update: Nope!

But they apparently have checked into the hospital and have begun the process of inducing labor.

We Might Now Be Aunt Jill & Uncle Bill

But I don't yet have any proof.

Alaska's New Quarter

So which quarter-dollar design should Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin officially select? The choices, courtesy of the Anchorage Daily News, are below.

As a native (not Native) member of the Sourdough Diaspora, I can't help but prefer AK-2. I think the other choices are not distinct enough to represent Alaska.
  • AK-1: "Land of the Midnight Sun" or some variation commonly refers to Siberia and parts of Scandinavia as well as Alaska - and Polar Bears have become more synonymous with Northern Canada. Or is that Binky? No - not a mauled tennis shoe to be found.
  • AK-3: Besides the North Star, the grizzly doesn't say anything unique about Alaska - this isn't Montana's quarter after all. Besides, the last grizzly bear notoriety out of AK was the Grizzly Man documentary about nutjob Timothy Treadwell's (and his girlfriend's) grisly and largely avoidable consumption by a starving bear.
  • AK-4: I like the Denali image and reference; but although the goldpanner is historically significant, dog mushing portrayed in AK-2 is just as historically resonant with Alaskans and it is still an important element of Alaska's image and life today.

AK-2 features Alaska's 8 Stars of Gold (Yes, I still remember how to sing the State Anthem!), Denali, and dog mushing. And I like how the mushing/Iditarod reference alludes to different regions of Alaska at the same time by tying together Anchorage/South Central to the Bush (interior AK for you Cheechakos) and the Bering Sea/Nome.

AK-2 is also the only one that makes any sort of reference to Alaska's Native heritage, by way of the dog sled team.

So my vote as a native Alaskan and former resident for 16.5 years would be cast for AK-2.

Monday, April 16, 2007

...Make Good Neighbors

Well, we've decided - and have started the preparation - for putting a privacy fence in the back yard where our neighbor has chain link.
  1. We are tired of their dog running up at the chain link and barking at everything.
  2. We're hoping that a solid fence will help reduce some of the weed pollen that floats over from the elementary school field nearby.
  3. Blocking the view of the neighbor's back yard will help our property value.
  4. The security and privacy will be good for Gabriel and the chickens.

It looks like it will set us back about $400, but it will be worth it. Then I can seriously get down to business on the new coop.

This link is a nice resource for local urban chicken growers in the Portland metro area.

This link has a bunch of chicken coop photos (and a very unhelpful lack of specific plans).

My guess is that the following will not be acceptable:

Friday, April 13, 2007

Gabriel Downtown

Yesterday, Gabriel spent the morning with me downtown. After singing his little heart out to his favorite Raffi CD,

we got into my office and watched Wallace & Gromit for a little while.

I set up the big screen and hooked the movie up to the projector, so the picture was pretty big ("Big TV, DADA!) And he thoroughly enjoyed a Starbucks berry/yogurt parfait while he watched.

After that, we walked over to Pioneer Place, hopped on a Max train,

and rode all the way to Sunset Station through the big tunnel. He clearly had a blast, because when we pulled out of Washington Park station, he joyfully declared "I love Choo-Choos!"

Afterward, we met Mama for lunch at Todai and Gabriel chowed down on teriyaki, tomato salad, sushi, about eight orange wedges and my peach crepe.

No News is Good News?

Nothing breaking on the Baby Reid front this morning. Kate even took the time to make a shrewd observational comment on one of my posts the other day, so things must be somewhat relaxed over there for now.

Word on the street, however, is that the birth will occur sometime early next week. We shall see; Gabriel is ready to go visit the baby.

A Lucky Day

Happy Friday the 13th, Everyone.

It isn't lucky for radio veteran Don Imus, however. As many of you know, he was recently fired by CBS Radio for some sort of racial slur he made over the radio, apparently reading what was on his new coffee mug the other morning.

If you care to buy a mug just like this, or any number of other related in-bad-taste merchandise, follow this link to Cafe Press.

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Fresh Start

I finally got around to updating and cleaning up this blog.

I started it in 2003 and it has somehow managed to survive all this time, despite stretches without updates, boredom, and obvious major life changes. So here it is.


  1. Gabriel Photo: I now have a static photo once again, located at the top of the left-hand margin.
  2. Video(s): Right below Gabriel's static photo is a video library, though right now there is only one video. Click on a video and it plays at the top of the body of the blog.
  3. Post Archive: One can now look up recent and long-past posts via a hierarchical list in the middle of the right-hand margin.
  4. Links: I can categorize links by groups, and have already started with three family-related links.
  5. Labels: Even though I've only started using them, one can now look up posts based on the content of the post - the directory is below the list of links in the right-hand margin.
There will be more additions in time, all improvements I think. Until then, check back frequently.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Super Shopper

Super Shopper, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Here's the super shopper sporting his sun glasses. I have uploaded some new, recent photos. Click on the photo above or the Easter Dinner photo in the previous post (or click this link) to view the recent additions.

Easter Dinner

Easter Dinner, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Here's a shot of Easter dinner with Gabriel working on eating all of the crust off the bread. Jack Nemeth is in the red shirt, Memo and Grandma on the left, Papa and Nana on the right, and Dada in the foreground in the blue shirt.

Mama is snapping the photo. Also visible is our new dining room set that barely made it in time for Sunday. I had to rent a U-Haul at the last minute to go pick up the set from Consignments Northwest because they called and canceled our already-delayed delivery.

I read the company owner the Riot Act but the best he could do was "help us load it if you bring a truck yourselves." I got this news on Saturday afternoon - how I managed to rent a truck that late in the day on Saturday is a milagro. With several strokes of luck I got the dining set back to the house and Jill and I unloaded it ourselves.

Unfortunately, because of the ordeal we didn't have time to dye Easter eggs with Gabriel, but honestly he had so much fun running up and down the U-haul truck ramp that he clearly had a great time anyway (REALLY BIG TRUCK, DADA!!)

But all in all, it was a happy Easter.

Baby Reid Delivery Update

Kate has updated all sorts of information about the delivery hospital in Folsom, visiting hours, and everything else one needs to know if going to visit when Gabriel's cousin is born.

Check out the Its A Reid! website for all the details.

I told Tom this morning that April 15 was my bet, and I think Kate would be okay with that as long as the birth wasn't Friday April 13th.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Jesus Party with Uncle Jap

Hopefully everyone had a great Easter. Ours was quite nice, if not a little unusual.

We're quite proud of Gabriel as he figured out the meaning of Easter. We told him that after he woke up from his nap, we were having a party - we barely hosted Easter dinner for the family.

On his own, he said it would be a Jesus Party. And that's basically right!

Jack Nemeth, Jill's uncle, drove down from Seattle where he's been the past four weeks assuming his new job as Marketing Director for the Seattle Times newspaper. He's been put up in a hotel downtown all this time, so I'm betting a friendly home-cooked meal was a nice change of pace from all of those terrible gourmet meals he's been having near the Seattle waterfront.

Sandy, Judy's sister, is getting things finished up with the sale of their home in Connecticut. She should be joining him full-time in Seattle sometime later this Spring after the home sells.

Gabriel did not immediately take to Jack. He wouldn't share his Joe's O's with Jack in church. But by the end of the evening, Gabriel was talking to "Uncle Jap" and chattering away. And, he gave Jack a good-bye kiss on his way out the door.

In all, we had the pleasure of Easter dinner with Gabriel's Memo, Grandma, Nana, Papa, Uncle Jack, Mom and Dad.

Dinner was very nice: smoked salmon - salmon fillets provided by Grandma & Memo - with some nice sides, including a yam recipe Jill improvised that turned out nicely, and strawberry shortcake for dessert. Not bad at all!

Gabriel's Cousin Arriving Early?

Gabriel's Aunt Kate is reporting at her blog It's A Reid! that she may be delivering early because of blood pressure/Preeclampsia symptoms.

She's been prescribed lots of bed rest and will likely have to return to the hospital for more blood pressure/symptom monitoring. And, apparently, the baby's size is consistent with 40 weeks already! Looks like early delivery is growing more probable by the day.

Check her website frequently for updates!

Why Don't Oysters Donate to Charities?

Because they're shellfish.

Yes, indeed, I'm getting as much mileage out of this clean but cornier-than-Iowa joke as I possibly can.

Friday, March 30, 2007

Be Careful What You Ask For

Kate has issued a warning of eviction for a certain short-term tenant at her blog Its a Reid!

I have to warn her that a judge will order the eviction, but with some rather tough conditions: the tenant be granted a new, 18-year lease with option of a 4-year renewal after that. There is no reversion of the value of improvements when the leasehold is up.

The lease is full-service, not triple-net. Tenant improvement expense is substantial and recurring. The tenant will be very noisy with wildly varying hours of operation for the first two years of occupancy. The tenant will drive significant maintenance & operations expense, as well as overhead including substantial insurance expense. And beware the capital reserve requirement for "college education." Is there a stronger word than exorbitant? Extortion?

However, federal and state tax law does provide some relief for various provisions of the leasehold for the property owner(s).

But here's the ironic rub: the tenant may, eventually, become your landlord and/or make custodial decisions for you in a remarkable reversal of roles. So it is in your best interest to be a fair and wise landlord!

Norma Goodman Passes

Being an Alaskan got a bit less distinctive last week. Here's a link to remarkable obituary for her remarkable life.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Why Is She Bothering With American Idol?

She starts blowing the competition out of the water at 3:48 if you want to fast forward.

I think the Chairman of the Board would have agreed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I don't think I've posted about it before, but since July of 2005 I've served as Consulting Economist to Ada County, Idaho (Boise metro area). I'm in town today on assignment as a matter of fact. And every time I come, I get a new assignment. Consulting gold, basically.

Anyway, I've been asked to begin assisting the Ada County Paramedics service provider figure out exactly how much new developments need to pay for new paramedic facilities and services, and I kicked off a new assignment today in helping the Kuna Library District figure out what types of facilities and service needs several new developments will require of them.

Crazy stuff, but it's a lot of fun. Hopefully, I'll remember to post more about all of this in the near future.

By the way, there have been a number of comments to posts lately - thank you for the input.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Day is Still Interesting

So I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my 11:40 Boise flight and who should also be waiting not 20 feet from me?

Jerome Kersey, former star of the Portland Trailblazers.

I hope I don't sit next to him; Horizon airplanes have only so much room for people over 6'3".

Update: Nice Video of Zach Steer's Iditarod Finish

Click on this link for a nice interview video with Zach Steer just after he crossed the finish line of the Iditarod in Nome.

Not A Good Morning

Did this happen to you this morning?

You woke up an hour too late for a 6am flight?


In your rush to get to the airport anyway after only eight hours of sleep in the previous two days, hoping the flight will be delayed, you hit a seemingly invisible freeway off-ramp divider curb at about 50 mph and burst your front driver-side (and, therefore, freeway side) tire at about the location in the webcam below?


You got sprayed over and over again - in your sport coat and slacks - by cars speeding by a little too closely on their way to work as you changed your tire on the right-side pullout?


When you attempted to loosen the nuts on the tire in the pre-6am darkness, you somehow didn't get the jack perfectly under the car and the car slides off of the jack back to the ground?


When finally - tired, wet, and grubby - you go to the back of the car to get the spare that you leaned on the bumper, you look and see that the spare disappeared?


When you looked around you realized that when the car slipped off the jack, the tire managed to slip off of the bumper and roll 100 feet across three lanes of interstate freeway to rest in the middle median?


You had to run across the three lanes of traffic, admittedly not peak rush hour because its only 6am, fetch the tire and when there were few enough approaching cars you ran it back across the freeway to your car?


After you got everything put back in place and drove off you heard the brakes - which needed work anyway - grinding even worse than before indicating something possibly more serious?


Finally, when you got to a phone and called the airline about missing the flight, the agent states that the airplane was delayed for more than 30 minutes and you realize you would have made the flight if it wasn't for having extraordinarily unlucky tire trouble?

If you did, your morning was as bad as mine. Trust me when I say I hope you said no to the above questions.

Monday, March 19, 2007

By the Way...

I've uploaded a few new photos to our Flickr photo album. Click on the photo of Gabriel in the previous post or click this link and you can view them.


Gabriel's New Friends

Gabriel's New Friends, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Yesterday, Gabriel and Mama went to Gresham and brought back four new friends for Gabriel - and a solution to Gabriel's insatiable appetite for eggs!

No names yet, but we have some contenders:

How about Laverne & Shirley for two of them?

There's one of each of four varieties (images from and
A Golden-Laced Wyandotte pullet

A Barred Plymouth Rock pullet

A Black Star (hybrid) pullet

and A Golden Comet (hybrid) pullet

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Congratulations to Zach Steer

The Anchorage Daily News is reporting this morning that fellow Service High alum Zach Steer surged into Nome past four-time Iditarod champion Martin Buser to take third place in the Iditarod.

Wow. Congratulations!

He'll take home $57,000 in prize winnings, likely to help train next year's team. I doubt there'd be much left to invest in his Sheep Mountain Lodge in Sutton.

In a way, this doesn't surprise me. I have one image of Zach indelibly burnt into my memory. In June of 1991, while hiking to the top of Flattop Mountain in Anchorage (and sucking wind while doing it), I looked up the mountain and saw a red-headed runner in shorts and a t-shirt running down the mountain path.

As he got closer, I recognized the runner as Zach, training for the grueling Mt. Marathon in Seward. He had run up and down the mountain in preparation for the July 4th race that year. That's the race that my jr. high friend Andy Hornung ran and lacerated his leg on loose shale rock when he fell on his descent, requiring too many stitches to count.

Anyway, finishing the Iditarod is quite a feat, much less finishing in the top three.

By the way, Lance Mackey - another fellow GenXer - (and yes, son of previous winner Dick Mackey and half-brother of previous winner Rick Mackey) won the Iditarod last night wearing bib #13 on March 13 - the same bib number worn by his father and brother when they won. Most notably, he made history by becoming the first to win both the 1,000-mile Yukon Quest and the Iditarod in the same year. He is also a cancer survivor, and in a pleasantly ironic way, I'm guessing a victory by anyone else could not be more appropriate in light of Susan Butcher's loss to cancer this past year.

A remarkable Iditarod all the way around: a herculean victory, a passing of the generational torch, a racing dynasty cemented, and tragic disease overcome.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Christmas Joy, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Indeed, particularly on Gabriel's mommy's face. This must clearly have been the end of the Grotto's Festival of Lights tour.

Gabriel was 16 months in this photo and clearly a handful after only four months of walking and running experience.

So this is just to say that our page of photos has been updated to include recent events (including Gabriel's trip to Texas and Gabriel cooking chicken-broccoli-salt-grapes-Joe's O's soup) and some "greatest hits" from earlier in Gabriel's life like the photo above.


Happier News of a Fellow Alum

I went to the Anchorage Daily News website this morning and was delighted to learn that Zach Steer, a fellow Service High School alum (Class of '91 - a year after me) is currently in the lead in the Iditarod. He apparently pulled into Ophir first early this morning. Looks like they're taking the Southern Route this year. | Sheep Mountain's Steer leading heavyweights

Which reminds me of a couple more fellow Service alum's: Chad Champ and Glen (Ryan to some of you) Coulson.

I heard from both of them via email recently (both doing quite well) but I haven't posted about that yet. I'm trying to figure out how to post photos of Chad's family that he sent, but I haven't come up with a good workable solution yet.

In the meantime, here are their MySpace pages (confirmation that people over 30 are on MySpace)

Chad Champ
Glen Coulson
Tom Reid (nice webcam shot, hoser)

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Dear Dr. Pritchard

I feel awkwardly bad that this letter is written too late for you to read it. But I thought it a good idea to express how maybe, just maybe, hanging on for another week might have been helpful to you. Or maybe not; small gestures are usually just that.

You see, tomorrow at my follow-up appointment with you to look at my left knee I was planning some good natured banter about the fact that I learned you are a fellow Baylor alum. And not only that, we attended Baylor at roughly the same time. You were a freshman when I was a senior (should I feel old?!). When you said at my first appointment you attended UT medical school at Galveston, and by the look of you, I strongly suspected Baylor. And looking at the Baylor alum directory online, I confirmed you were indeed a fellow Bear.

But tomorrow's appointment - and any other appointment with you - has been made impossible. I was shocked to learn of your very unexpected death this morning when I called Providence Tanasbourne in response to their vague voicemail message for a need to reschedule. The receptionist let me know they learned of your death yesterday morning, with no cause given. "Reeling" was her word, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't rather taken aback myself.

I think the only thing that shocked me more was the confirmation this afternoon via the Astoria, Oregon newspaper that "suicide was likely" after the identity of your body, which washed ashore at Cannon Beach Monday, had been established.

Were you lonely? You admitted much family in Texas; were you feeling alienated so far from your family and most of what you have known in your life? Did Oregon's winter get to you? Were you hiding something inside? I have to admit that I got a little bit of that sense that you might be. And in the context of where you are from and where you went to school, I could see how much the stresses and strains of that would possibly be unbearable.

Would a friendly hello from a fellow Baylor alum have helped significantly? Probably not. Would it have been enough to get you through a dark day you might have been struggling with right at that time? Maybe. Mutual acquaintances, experiences and divergent paths post-graduation would have been fun, memorable chat. But unfortunately, you and I will never know.

I hope your family takes the news with great courage and faith. And if indeed a hidden secret is what drove you to the desperate act of ending your own life, it only underscores the fact that our Texas Baptist alma mater and other Christians of similar mindset should finally understand that the neighbor Jesus commanded us to love and not judge, the very one He died for, may have that very same type of secret.

Whatever the cause or desperation, your passing is tragic. So much medical training that could have helped so many people over a lifetime, including all of those that may have suffered from whatever ailment or problem that finally caused you to take your own life.

But all of that will soon be laid to rest in Texas. I hope you rest in peace.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Thank God for DVD

You don't really see it anymore, but there was a time when TV transcended itself and could be intelligent, poetic and even inspirational.

Take for example an hour-long, character-driven television show featuring a large cast, won Emmy awards, took place in an exotic location, and featured the following characters:
-A young, talented but stubborn doctor stranded in a remote location
-A beautiful, tough young woman in an on-again/off-again romance with the doctor
-A younger, more rugged ex-con with an affinity for books, sharing an attraction for the woman
-A mystical, metaphysical bond between a philosophical white character and a similarly philosophical black character
-A younger male character, with mixed heritage, and an affinity for pop culture and a laid-back "dude" personality

Sound a bit like Lost? It's not. It's Northern Exposure, and it couldn't be a more polar opposite television show, despite some remarkable coincidences that Lost creators have seemingly cribbed. But the bar was set pretty high by NX, with no brutality, killings, or other glorifications of the darker side of humanity.


Another thank you very much for my Christmas gift, Jill.

Monday, February 05, 2007

A Question Worth Asking

A conversation with Jerry at work about a book of U.S./Latin America foreign policy reminded me of William Walker, who in pre-Civil War years led more than one war of conquest in Mexico and Central America.

At one point, Walker declared himself the Ruler of Honduras, fatally crossed Vanderbilt family business contracts there, and tried in earnest to make Central America a slave-state confederacy to add to the U.S. South. Vanderbilt's wrath eventually led to the capture of Walker by the British navy, who turned him over to Honduran authorities all too happy to execute him by firing squad at age 36.

Check out the Wikipedia entry below.

William Walker (soldier) - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The reason it's also interesting is because Jill used to work at William Walker Elementary School in Beaverton. I cannot find another William Walker that had enough national notoriety to have a school named after him in the 50's or 60's. Beaverton schools website and the school website are silent on the issue.

So is this elementary school in Beaverton (with an amusingly ironic enrollment predominance of Hispanic students) named after a classic jingoist/imperialist from the U.S. that tried to expand the evil of U.S. slavery, in part as a failed attempt to save his own neck?

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Gabriel's New Big Truck

Well, not really that big or a truck, but Gabriel is now a happy passenger in a 2002 Toyota Highlander we bought on Friday evening. We got it used on Craigslist and it was quite a find for us.

Below is a photo from the listing. So far we've taken it out to see the horse and back, went to the park to see geese and throw rocks, and done a few odd chores. It's great fun to drive and Gabriel loves the keyless entry remote, of course.

That means I get to get rid of the chickenmobile!

Friday, January 26, 2007


GABRIEL FRANCIS - that's what Gabriel began to declare over and over again last night after seeing his reflection in our bedroom window. It was a surprising and funny moment of self-discovery as he has pretty much avoided saying his own name or any part of it.

Now, all of a sudden with great pride, he will happily tell you his name is GABRIEL FRANCIS and that he's "2".

It was very cute, very touching, and very funny.

Other bits we're proud of: He already knows and identifies most major colors, can count to 6 (but 5, for some reason, comes after), and in his currently favorite book "Snow" he knows and says all of the rhyming words himself.

He's also taken to helping sing his lullabies, specifically "Winkle" (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and "Peace" (All Through the Night - Peter, Paul & Mary version). Not only that, he'll sing "Zoo" (Going to the Zoo, Peter, Paul & Mary/Raffi versions) any old time.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Myrtle Cash Passes

Aunt Mo Myrtle Cash (Hays) passed away around midnight, January 10, 2007. Her condition immediately prior had worsened to the extent that her physicians recommended she be taken off all but her pain medication for comfort purposes.

For anyone wanting or needing the information: they are cremating her and placing her next to Glennda Sprouse in Okolona, Arkansas. A memorial service for her is being held in Bay City, Texas. Flowers can be sent via Bay City Floral at 979-245-9492.

Uncle Jimmy's (J.C. Cash) phone number is: 979-244-2568, and their address is: 2720 Cottonwood, Bay City, TX 77414.

All of Myrtle's adult children, Uncle Jimmy and his sister Alice (92 years old) have gathered in Bay City. They would all likely enjoy hearing from everyone.

Me-Ma has been doing okay, just a little low. She is the last surviving sibling of the Dr. John and Myrtle Hays family.

We offer our most sincere condolences.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It Is Better to Remain Silent and Thought a Fool...

than to speak and remove all doubt. -Sam Clemens

Having said that, there are some major family and personal developments I haven't been documenting. Luckily, someone has: Kate Reid.

Kate and Tom are expecting their first child in April. Kate has admirably begun blogging about her experience at I strongly encourage a visit and a greeting to Kate and Tom at their site.

Beyond this announcement, way overdue on this blog, I honestly don't know how often I'll be updating in the future. I have much to say, some of it actually positive, but I'm not in a place where I feel so inclined or motivated to publish it. I would encourage family newshounds to instead follow Kate's blog. I mean really, there's nothing unlikeable about the pending arrival of a new baby.

So, thank you and until I feel like getting back in the saddle, please enjoy occasional Gabriel photo posts. Also, don't forget to check out our flickr photo album. I update that with new pics on a regular basis. Now featured: the Kauai vacation.