Friday, May 30, 2008

Lots More Photos

Okay, I managed to add quite a few photos with more on the way. Our trip to Sacramento and our recent trip to Los Angeles are largely featured. I still have to add Disneyland pics, though.

Here's the link.


He had a great time, though I think the Casey Jr. Circus Train won out as the favorite... even more than the Finding Nemo Submarine Ride or the Winnie the Pooh Ride. If I get these new, larger photos from our new camera figured out, I'll get more loaded onto our family photos page.

Judy Goes to Washington

Judy Korynasz, Nana to one individual, flew to Washington D.C. at the invitation of Oregon's junior Senator, Gordon Smith (R). He's the ranking member on the Senate Special Subcommittee on Aging.

On May 22nd, Judy provided testimony about the difficulties of Medicare for modest-income seniors, including her mother Charlotte (Great Gramma), as well as difficulties that she and John (Papa) have.

Here's a link to the Senate website with information about the hearing.
Here's the link to her written testimony (.pdf).

As soon as the hearing itself is posted in video format, I'll post it here!

Happy Birthday Tom

Uncle Tom is 33 today!

I called to wish him a happy birthday and he mentioned all was well and that they will likely be going to dinner tonight to celebrate. Sounds like a plan.

Below is a photo of (from right to left starting with Tom): Tom, Kate, Hayes, Jill and Gabriel from our trip a few weeks ago to Sacramento to visit.

And, of course, the following photo is too good not to post from that same trip:

Happy Birthday!