Friday, July 30, 2004


One of the most annoying aspects of entertainment journalism today is the public conspiracy by movie reviewers of nearly every stripe to avoid Spoilers in their reviews. To the uninitiated, Spoilers are details of a movie's plot that are meant to be a surprise to the viewer and are frequently integral to the movie's success. The Sixth Sense, by M. Night Shyamalan, is perhaps the best example.

Well, his new movie, The Village, promises to have a surprise twist at the end of this gothic tale and no one seems to have the intestinal fortitude to come right out and reveal the ending, or even hint at it, in the name of professional critical integrity. HOGWASH.

Because I personally think that studios are leading critics around by the nose, I've decided to research for you, dear reader, the ending of this movie and post it on this website. I call it The Spoiler Spoiler(tm). You'll find it by holding the button down on your mouse and scrolling over the blank space immediately below. Remember, It's a surprise ending, so don't view my Spoiler Spoiler(tm) if you think you'll complain to me that I ruined it for you.

**The End of the Movie Spoiler Spoiler(tm)**
You get up and leave the theater wondering why you wasted $8 on such an awful piece of garbage... Wait, there's more:

The monsters are not real, but rather the village elders posing as monsters to keep the villagers scared and pent up inside the village. The Village is nothing but an elaborate false construct by the William Hurt character in the year 2004. He inherits his murdered brother's billions and buys a wildlife refuge, in the middle of which he has devised a village for people whose family members have also been killed by violent crimes. He wants to protect them from the evils of the outside world by keeping them in a 19th century hamlet. They have grown up knowing nothing of the modern, outside world. The surprise is revealed when the blind lead character ventures out into the woods in search of a town for medicine and after climbing over a wall, is nearly run over by an SUV.

Clever, huh?! Not really.

There's plenty of things you can do for $8 - entrance to a museum, fee for a State park hiking trail, a good meal at a cheap Thai restaurant, a month's sponsorship of a needy child.. plenty of stuff. If you can't figure out something else to do with your money, send me a tip for helping you save your hard-earned income!

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