Tuesday, August 31, 2004


I've made some modifications to the website that I'll call out:

New Links (In Link-O-Rama)
Snopes.com - The definitive source for debunking urban legends, annoying chain emails, etc.
National Review - This conservative magazine replaces The Weekly Standard, which I feel has slouched in quality since David Brooks migrated to the New York Times editorial page.

Babel Fish Translator
In the left margin, I've added the Babel Fish translator from Altavista. If it works correctly, you should be able to click the flag of the representative country's language and this page will be translated - rather roughly - into the desired tongue.


It seems Les Hardison linked us again with the news of Gabriel's arrival, so here's a photo of Judy with her precious, new grandson Gabriel for any family members that stumble into our page. HI! from the three of us.

Les and Dolores have had quite a trying few weeks with Hurrican Charlie, Dolores' sudden illness - and gradual recovery, the purchase of a new winter home in Carefree, Arizona, and the discovery that someone had charged thousands of dollars to Les' credit card in Turkey. He put a stop to it quickly, thank goodness.

Our thoughts and prayers are with you.


Charlotte Wachdorf and Sandy Nemeth, Gabriel's great grandmother and great aunt, respectively, are slated to come to Portland in about a month to see Gabriel. Once some health care issues are sorted out for Charlotte, they'll be headed over to enjoy the baby and Oregon's lovely Autumn weather.


Kate emailed to say that she and Tom are eager to return to Portland to visit Gabriel, likely at the end of September or early October - the date is not yet cast.


While MeMa was here, I asked her questions about the origins of the Hays, Chambers, Harris and Cloud families for the purpose of making a family tree for Gabriel. I won't go into all of the the juicy details here now, but maybe later.

However, I will say that there is a website out there, Cloudweb, that has already traced the geneology of the Cloud family. As a reminder, Lela Harris, the mother of my grandfather J.C. Harris, was Lela Cloud before marrying James Lester Harris.

Well, at this website link, you can trace Cloud family geneology from her (my great grandmother - you have to scroll to nearly the bottom of the page for Lela's entry) all the way back to William Cloud, born in July of 1621 in Devizes, Wiltshire, England. It seems he was the first family member to cross the Atlantic and begin life in the New World. He died in August of 1702 in Chester Co., Pennsylvania Province.

It's rather fascinating what a few simple questions and Google can do!

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