Tuesday, November 02, 2004


Gabriel looked smart in his Tigger costume for Halloween Sunday night. However, due to a bad bout with reflux, we got a late start and only made it over to Grandma and Grampa Korynasz's house. His photo is posted in the left margin of the page.

Grandma and Grampa Reid visited last night (Monday) and Gabriel donned his orange and black costume just for them to everyone's delight. We went to the Helvetia Tavern for dinner and had cheeseburgers and onion rings. Yum!

His lazy father didn't carve his pumpkins, so we'll just have to have Mexican pumpkin soup or something like that.


To the extent that I can, I'll post Associated Press exit poll results for different states and territories today BEFORE the networks report the results tonight. But I won't use the invisible font type, so you're just going to have to avert your eyes if you don't want to see the results.

First Up: GUAM
George W. Bush - 64%
John F. Kerry - 36%

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