Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Oh, my does time fly when you’re so busy you have to stay up all night working. Well, it is December again, after all. And, unfortunately for me as I gather my thoughts for finally updating this website, much in fact has happened.

So, without further ado..


Mom and Dad did find a home they liked here in Hillsboro, Orygun. I was at the house when it was inspected, and it is indeed a good find. Below is a photo, but to sum up it was built in 1995, over 1,500 square feet in floor area, 5,000+ square foot lot and right near one of Hillsboro’s better natural area parks with trails.

But after the extensive search for a home with some acreage, it is a bit surprising to see that they’ve purchased something where you might see what your neighbor is eating for dinner. A few walls or hedges and all should be better, though. I’ll have the exact address on here after they take possession of the home on December 31st.

Good news for Gabriel: he has two cookie-baking grammas to run away to when he gets mad at us! But, here’s Gramma Reid’s off-the-cuff take on all of the nearby family: ”Bill, you sure have a tough row to plow.” I told her that if it doesn’t work out well, we’re moving to Hawaii! Why not?!


Gram Charlotte Wachdorf arrived in Portland on the evening of Thursday the 16th escorted by her second daughter, Sandy Nemeth, who resides in Connecticut with her husband Jack. Char and Sandy both flew in from San Antonio where Charlotte is staying with her youngest son, former Air Force Colonel Art Wachdorf. I posted a photo of the two of them on here before.. here’s the link.

Sandy had to leave for Los Angeles on Sunday afternoon where her eldest son Mark and his wife are expecting their first child, a daughter, with a due date of Christmas day. Beware the low pressure system – it has a tendency to cause early labor! Here’s a photo of Sandy and wee Gabriel on Saturday.

Charlotte will be in Oregon for several weeks, or until she gets absolutely sick of all of us. So far, however, it seems Gabriel has charmed her as well, so she’s not likely going anywhere soon. We’re very happy she can be here to visit and see G.F.


The Grotto Festival of Lights has come to be a family Christmas tradition with us over the past seven years. The Grotto is actually the Our Lady of Sorrow retreat center, among other things. It’s a beautiful sanctuary in Northeast Portland that at Christmastime decorates their trees and paths with all sorts of lights, the main of which has a decorated narrative of Christ’s birth. It’s like walking through Linus’s answer to Charlie Brown’s famous question.

We all met for early dinner at Gustav’s, but Charlotte wasn’t feeling well so she and Judy went home. That left Gabriel, his Gramma Dianne, Jill and me. So, the three of us took Gabriel to the Grotto, where the poor little boy was overwhelmed with lights to look at. He had a wonderful time, even talking to some of the lights – a very good sign. He even enjoyed sitting still in the church listening to both the St. Stanislaus Polish Choir and another local, high school choir. Though, during the latter, he fell asleep during a song and would be startled awake by everyone's applause.

We especially enjoyed returning to the Grotto since last year. It was there, though earlier in December, that we learned that Jill's pregnancy would continue all the way through to August. And now we have Gabriel. That's what inspired his name.. the Archangel Gabriel.. deliverer of the most joyous news.


We recently learned that Marge Proffitt, Terry's octegenarian mother in Farmington, passed away. She was able to attend Terry's wedding earlier in the Fall and reportedly had a wonderful time seeing much of her family.

Jill and I pass along our heartfelt condolences.


Okay, I've waited long enough. Here are a few photos of Gabriel that I personally find to be among my favorites, all taken quite recently.


My co-worker Chris Blakney recently proposed marriage to his girlfriend Jessica and was greeted with a resounding yes. Congratulations, you two!

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