Saturday, January 29, 2005


An accelerated heart rate was alarming enough to Gramma's nurse that she was escorted to a clinic (incorrectly it later turned out) and then to the local emergency room. She stayed there for a couple of nights to be monitored, but now all seems to be doing better.

We're glad to hear that things are going better and keep your health in our prayers.


Well, it's odd, but my boss Jerry was right about becoming a father. One suddently gets an incredible protective instinct that causes one to be more bold than expected.

Take just ten minutes ago. It's 12:20am Saturday morning (Letterman's on and I'm also surfing websites about the TV show LOST - two new episodes we've missed due to baby massage classes). The neighbor across the street, the one that bought the two-story that Glenn lived in, has thrown a party and his friends are outside drinking and smoking and being entirely too loud.

Now, before I would likely have sat inside and groused about the noise knowing that they'd eventually go home or be quiet. Not this time. I put my shoes on, walked over into his yard and confronted a group of about 8 of them about their noise being inappropriate for the neighborhood. I didn't want Gabriel and Jill to wake up.. Gabriel for obvious reasons, but Jill because she suffered a headache most of the day and she really needs her rest.

Anyway, goofy little experience. Funny.. the information St. Vincent's hospital sent home with us didn't say anything about testosterone surges. But then again, there's a lot that it didn't say anything about.


For the past three weeks, we've taken Gabriel to a baby massage class Wednesday nights. The class is sponsored by Providence Health Systems and is taught by an occupational and physical therapist named Ruthanne.

We and eleven other babies and family sit in a circle and learn different massage techniques for different parts of our littel bundles of joy. Some help with relaxation, all help with circulation, some help with digestion and cholic. Gabriel truly enjoys the class, but only because he's the class clown. He's the oldest by two days, though all the rest but little Ian are fewer than 12 weeks old. They lay there like rag dolls and submit to their parents awkward massage techniques.

Well, not Gabriel of course. He's too busy squirming, wiggling, turning, trying to sit up, fussing, cooing, yelling, laughing, staring, grunting and smiling to be bothered with lying quietly and being massaged.. oh, no, indeed. The rest of the parents, and the instructor, chuckle at him and his boundless energy. He's just very stimulated during the process, even though he's supposed to relax.

Well, the class ends at 8pm and all the stimulation keeps him up until well after 10pm those nights. But this past week, he slept all night Wednesday night and we're hopeful the class helped.

One interesting aspect of the class is getting to meet Melanie & Karl and their son Ian. He's just four days younger than Gabriel, born August 10th. The truly fascinating thing is that she's from Indonesia (Jakarta - family were unaffected by the big earthquake) and he is from the Czech Republic.. and teaches tai chi. They met here and romance blossomed. ONLY in America. They're a very nice family.


There have been some very good meals had lately. Mom started it off a couple of weeks ago with Moroccan Halibut at her place. We were joined by John, Judy and Charlotte. Then, when Dad got into town, we went to Jin Wah for more great Chinese and Vietnamese cuisine. Last night, Mom and Dad came over for Alaska Coho salmon filets on the grill. And tonight, we went to John and Judy's for pork chops and rice.

I'm never going to lose weight.


I know most folks out there aren't quite the PBS fiends that Jill and I are, but I encourage everyone that remembers to catch "Island at War" on Masterpiece Theater Sunday nights to do so. It's a five-part fictionalized account of the Nazi occupation of Britain's Channel Islands, the only British territory to fall under German control during WWII. As can be seen in the map below, the Channel Islands are actually far to the southwest of the English Channel and look more like they should be (and were) French territory. Jersey and Guernsey are major islands there.

The movie is not gratuitoiusly violent, but it certainly doesn't pull punches about attacks on civilians by the Nazi Luftwaffe prior to invasion. The locals are also particularly upset about the fact that Britain left them high and dry before the Germans overran the place.

Anyway, the first episode was exceptionally good.. check it out.


It's rumored but unconfirmed that Chrissie Happe has set her wedding date for August 6, 2005. Congratulations, Chrissie. But that makes it likely that Tom and Kate will not be able to be up here for Gabriel's first birthday party. I would think, unless Ron hands her a check upon condition of eloping, that Tom and Kate would figure prominently in the ceremony.

So, we'll see how things evolve. How much does teleconferencing cost?

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