Thursday, February 03, 2005


Dad called today and reported that the doctors are getting a better idea of the various issues keeping Me-ma's recovery on the slow side. Apparently, she is having complications with low blood pressure, weak heart rate, and low sodium levels.

Different combinations of treatment are being used, though she's been taken off of the heart medication because it was having advere effects on her blood pressure.

Meanwhile, she's visiting with family that have made it to Las Vegas as she rests when not prodded by the doctors.


Gramma Reid is home from the hospital, since Monday as I am aware, and seems to be doing alright. She's more comfortable at home, but is still being monitored carefully by her nurse for any sudden changes in her heart rate or other systems.

We keep both of them and their recovery in our prayers.


It seems Les Hardison has posted a photo of Gabriel and his great-grandmother Charlotte on his estimable website. Scroll halfway down for the entry if you click the link.

It seems Gabriel's penchant for singing has raised Les's eyebrow - and while Gabriel's not yet following in the footsteps of his grandmother Judy in ably singing Ave Maria (Bach/Gounod, not Schubert), he certainly impresses us with his jazzy riffs on melodies whose identity only he knows. Here's a copy of the photo on Les's site.

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