Thursday, July 17, 2003


Here it is.. the long-delayed look at the type of food Bill and Jill will be forced to eat on our flight to Asia. Stranded in a plane at 35,000 feet in the middle of the Pacific, where else are we going to go?

So here it is...

No, just kidding. Though, that's an actual food item in a Chinese hotel somewhere.

Actually, a review of the various meals experienced by Cathay Pacific passengers documented at was reassuring. The economy class meals actually got decent reviews, with photos. On a scale of 1 to 10, most airline meals were given a score of 7+ by passengers! For instance:

Sweet & Sour Peking-Style Pork Chop w/ Rice (followed by vanilla ice cream sandwich for dessert, not shown)

or this:

Fish & Rice, Fruit and a Roll

or this:

Braised Chicken with Steamed Rice and Pak Choy, Chocolate Cake with Chocolate Chip topping, Pineapple Cake, Bread Roll

All these meals actually look good and got good reviews. I'm feeling pretty good now. But then I looked at Business Class and First Class meals and was shocked at the difference.



I don't know what half of that stuff is, but it SURE looks better than the economy class food and significantly so. Plus, actual plates, silverware, even ice cold Stoly. The funny thing is, those first class twits rated their food the same (7-8 on average) as did economy class. This is definitive proof that people in first class truly are an insufferable bunch.

But hey, after learning the truth behind first class privelage, I'd be MORE than happy to be insufferable!


Well, in an email, Mom reported that she got in to Vegas safe and sound and has since gotten a bunch of tiling finished. Good for her.
She also mentioned the strangest phenomenon on her way down. It seems she made a rest stop in Canyonville, Oregon, which is one hour between Roseburg and Medford.

When she got back into her car, she reportedly discovered that her wallet had $20 more in it than when she stopped! How on earth do you suppose that could have happened?! When we make a pit stop there, our wallet is usually $20 lighter.

Anyway, we're glad she got in alright and had a great trip all the way around.


Feeling stronger for the trip, John and Judy arrived in Hillsboro today. I don't know what they have planned now, but I do hope we get to go out for dinner tonight. They brought Gracie up and we are going to deliver her to Janet Hardison, who is visiting Portland from Illinois, this weekend. Gracie just didn't get along with Molly no matter how hard Judy tried. Gracie will make a wonderful pet for someone that doesn't have any other cats.

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