Monday, September 01, 2003


Well, we're back in the States as of Saturday the 30th. Despite a 13-hour flight, we arrived (2:00 pm Saturday Pacific) before we departed (4:45 pm Saturday Hong Kong). Jet lag is definitely more of a factor on return as we've both undergone spells of serious fatigue randomly in the middle of the day. Jill's taking melatonin while I'm the control and there's no significant difference between our respective adjustment to Pacific time.

So, we've taken it extremely easy. Jill's parents are in town visiting, having brought the cats back up from Medford and now they're taking care of various chores necessary before they move to Hillsboro. They have a new cat, or kitten, Max, a furry black little thing that's probably the mellowest kitten anyone's ever seen. Even Sundaye hasn't had a problem with him.

In the coming days, I hope to post some photos from our trip with various information and other details. I promise not to make it boring; nobody likes wading through hundreds of vacation slides and photos. Plus, the system has only so much bandwidth. Just give me a little time... The new Minolta digital camera was a smashing success. The nearly 400 photos I took over vacation are nearly all very good quality with only a few blurry or poor photos. But beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I guess.

So, I'm about to go to bed to get rest for my first day back to work tomorrow. Before I get there, I have to go to downtown Hillsboro and take care of our water bill that somehow didn't get paid for August. I've looked through everything and I don't know that I ever received it to be perfectly honest. All the other utilities and bills were taken care of over the trip, so the water issue is peculiar indeed.

Well, I'd better hit the hay. Until later..

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