Friday, April 30, 2004


We arrived on the island of Kaua'i just before 6pm. As we approached the island - the Boeing 707 flight was less than 30 minutes - I had grown cranky about the three hours that we lost stuck in the Honolulu Airport. It did not help matters that it was 9pm at home in Hillsboro and we were somewhat famished because we never exactly knew if the next plane was ours, so we didn't take the risk of missing a flight sitting and eating a $9.00 hamburger. Mechanical issues held the plane to the ground at Maui, its point of departure. But the Hawaiian Air knuckleheads wouldn't get a substitute plane for us, as would a professional carrier, and while we waited, three similar Hawaiian Air flights departed for Kaua'i while we sat, tempers simmering. The other flights were booked, so there was no chance of stand-by.

Not only that, but our gate (beware Gate 41 - it's the one with dead tumbleweeds accumulating in the corner) was the last at the end of the interisland terminal, so Hawaiian personnel never felt compelled to provide us with updated information about our flight, which gate the plane would utilize - that was never a done deal until the last minute - and whether or not anyone could fly stand-by, how, where and at what cost. All of this information was only had by hunting down a Hawaiian rep. somewhere in the terminal like a wild boar - not an entirely inappropriate metaphor - and practicing interrogation with a smile. Complacent is the adjective that comes to mind when I think of Hawaiian Air staff, but it somehow just doesn't characterize their slack-jawed shock that a passenger might not only dare to expect punctuality as the norm, but also some measure of effort to inform passengers of delays. I expect and plan for manana mentality south of the Border, but we quickly learned that Hawaiian Time is very real.. and provides evidence that Polynesians did indeed cross the Pacific and land in South America looking for new foodstuffs. The Incans not only gave them the sweet potato, but clearly passed on their Mesoamerican bad habits.

But upon first glance of Kaua'i through the airplane window, much was forgotten. The island is spectacularly rugged; more on this later. Lihue, the location of the airport and the island's largest town, is located on a valley plane that slopes from the nearly 6,000-foot mountains to the northwestwest down into the ocean. To the immediate south of Lihue are the closest peaks, a short but imposing chain running due east and right into the crashing surf - a frozen echo of the lava that once flowed here, into the waves as if it truly had been seeking reflief in the cool waters.

Map courtesy of the Kaua'i Visitor Bureau - I'm sure they don't mind the traffic

Kaua'i is the northermost and oldest of the Hawaiian chain of islands. As a result, God's hammer and chisel - wind and rain - have had longer to shape Kauai's geology. Thousands of years of erosion have produced dramatically-carved peaks and valleys on the island, all covered in the brilliant, moist greens of which only tropical climates are capable. But, as we would find out a few days later, none are more impressive than the northern Na Pali Coast, a photo of which I posted a while back and can still be seen if you scroll down to April 14 or click here.

Our hotel for the four-night stay was the Aloha Beach Resort between Wailua and Kapa'a on the east "Coconut Coast" side of the island. The resorts are older (1970's), particularly compared to new development on the south coast in Poipu. Ours was a former Holiday Inn resort, as evidenced by the elevator's visibly expired permit enclosed by a cracked plastic sheath. Popcorn ceilings, somewhat outdated carpets in the common areas and other little features left no doubt that if you had the patience to sit in the lobby, the mobs of Japanese package tourists would clear long enough that you might spy the ghost of Larry Dallas. But it was still well-maintained, had lovely Hawaiian landscaped grounds and was immediately adjacent to Lydgate Beach State Park, which proved on our last morning to have the best snorkelling Jill's yet experienced - though not necessarily the best location; San Blas/Kuna Yala in Panama is is hard-pressed to lose its top position. After a great Korean BBQ dinner in Kapa'a, we concluded the night at the hotel room planning the next day's activities.

Aloha Beach Resort & Lydgate Beach State Park

More in Part III Later!


Congratulations, Kate! She gave her two-week notice to Hanna Brophy and will be taking up a new position at another law firm in Sacramento thereafter. I can't say I know much more than that, but a clean break from something old to something new and better is always worth celebrating. If anyone knows anything else, I'll post it.


Wednesday night, Dana (wife of Matthew Gardner, Seattle Principal of my company Johnson Gardner.. Gardner Johnson up there) had to have emergency caesarean section due to complictions with her health. At 34 weeks, the doctors felt the baby would be developed enough to do just fine. And after a very successful surgery, they were right! William is just over 4 pounds and happily occupying special accommodations in the Premie ward of Evergreen Hospital in Kirkland, Washington.

Congratulations Matthew and Dana!


Rick and Libby, living in Las Vegas, sent an email recently to make the announcement. I quote:

This is just a note to let everyone know that we have jumped into the 21st century, and finally have broken down and got E-mail. We also have a new phone number as follows, 702-644-2247(BAHR). We hope everyone is doing well, and hope to read or hear from anyone soon.

Lots of Love,
Rick and Libby

The new email address is:

Now I better not hear of anyone signing them up for Peter Pan's electronic newsletter... but if you do, let me know ASAP!


Les Hardison, Judy's uncle in Florida, emailed the other day to remind me that his new email address is - the old URL and email address have expired. I have updated his website address for the Les Hardison link in the left margin of this page. Give it a look sometime. I personally appreciate his dry sense of humor.

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