Tuesday, November 02, 2004


I'm updating the following list of States all day, so check for the time stamp above for the latest updates. Anything in italics denotes the change or new information since the last post.

As of 5:25pm Pacific Standard Time, Exit Poll results...
Bush - 108 Votes Kerry - 77 Votes
Bush States: West Virginia (5), Georgia (15), Kentucky (8), Indiana (11), Oklahoma (7), Alabama (9), Tennessee (11), Mississippi (6), South Carolina (8), North Carolina (15), Virginia (13)
Kerry States: Vermont (3), Illinois (21), Maine (3), Massachusetts (12), Connecticut (7), New Jersey (15), Delaware (3), Maryland (10), DC (3)

Arizona: Bush 55%, Kerry 45%
Colorado: Bush 50%, Kerry 49%
Louisiana: Bush 56%, Kerry 43%
Michigan: Bush 46%, Kerry 52%
Pennsylvania: Bush 46%, Kerry 53%
Ohio: Bush 46%, Kerry 48% Bush Up 2%
Florida: Bush 49%, Kerry 51%
New Mexico: Bush 48%, Kerry 50%
Minnesota: Bush 46%, Kerry 52%
Wisconsin: Bush 47%, Kerry 52%
Iowa: Bush 49%, Kerry 50%
New Hampshire: Bush 44%, Kerry 53%
Nevada: Bush 48%, Kerry 49%
North Carolina: Bush 52%, Kerry 48%
Missouri: Bush 52%, Kerry 47%
Arkansas: Bush 54%, Kerry 45%
New York: Bush 36%, Kerry 62%

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