Saturday, January 15, 2005


It seems that yesterday, someone - Jeff K? (warning: site frequently NSFW) - hacked my blog, though didn't do any damage. I think I might have left access to the blog editing function open by accident and someone had fun.


Assuming things go correctly, I've added a comment function to my posts. From now on, one should be able to add a comment to one of my posts.

Comments must be SFW-Safe For Work/Family Friendly and appropriate. I'll delete anything I deem profane or inappropriate.

So, if you stop by, say hello and make any comments you like.. such as how cute Gabriel is!


We're in the middle of a big ice storm in the Portland area, but nothing as severe as last year.

Local news is all over it
- to excess, as usual. Here in Hillsboro, the ground isn't cold enough to have allowed much of an ice glaze, but a lot of objects such as outdoor furniture, cars and other cold objects have a slight layer of ice. Apparently, closer to the Columbia Gorge, ice has been far more severe with major traffic closures.

But, with the National Figure Skating championships here in Portland tonight, the show must go on. Maybe there'll be coverage during the show. It's always fun seeing how clueless most Oregon drivers are.. or stoned, rather.

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