Tuesday, February 01, 2005


Leigh (Marquez) emailed with an update about Me Ma:

Rick and Libby called me last night after getting an update from Sue on how Me-ma is doing. As of 10pm last night when Sue was leaving the hospital she said that Me-ma was feeling better, the nausia is easing up a little as well. She found out that the reason Me-ma's cardiologist hasn't made an appearance is because he doesn't have a contract to practice at that hospital, but has been contacted by the cardiologist that is currently treating Me-ma and the two of them are working together to care for her. They feel that her heart rate is a little slow so they have given her a medication that will increase her heart rate to help the blood flow a little faster to carry the much needed fluids and help bring her sodium level up. They are going to monitor this closely as they don't want to over work her heart or cause any other problems.

Sounds like things are slowly improving - good news - despite hospital red tape.

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