Monday, March 28, 2005


It was for Gabriel until his cold relapsed in the evening. Below is a photo of him with his Easter basket from Gramma Judy and Grampa Koke. He's ready to dive right in.

Gabriel's First Easter Posted by Hello

We enjoyed dinner with his grandparents - leg of lamb and steak (for Jill). Very tasty food.. cute animals are the best. Gabriel was a pretty good sport and enjoyed himself, but then started coughing more and began to run a fever... even with the house like a furnace with all the cooking going on.

He was up every hour or so last night coughing and restless. I slept dead to the world while Jill woke up every hour or so... even after she moved him into our bed later in the night. All we can do now is comfort him, get him to eat and wait it out.


I have several photos and narrative to write.. I'll get to that tomorrow hopefully. I've been a bit busy.

More later...

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