Monday, August 22, 2005


Gabriel's 1st birthday luau was a fun time and his cake was definitely a hit as he demonstrates below. He's begun to eat wheat now, and the cake was his first major intro. He did not complain.

We thank all of those who attended - even Grandpa Dave was able to be here - and Gabriel thanks you for his birthday presents. He did seem to have forgotten all about the bee sting he got two days before his birthday, so all was well.

So for fun, and to prove the old cliche "they grow up so fast," here's a side-by-side of his first photo ever posted to this website, taken the morning of his birth, and a photo taken right before his birthday (and minutes before the bee sting).

As for my birthday, it was fun turning 29. I've enjoyed it so much, I've done it four times. I highly recommend it. Plus, among other nice gifts, I got a great DVD collection of the Yes, Prime Minister BBC TV series from Jill.


Yes, I've not updated in a long time. I'm not going to bother writing about everything that has happened, so fuggedaboudit. I've been a bit busy, much of it with work.

Now that I'm driving into work, though, I have to say I see some crazy things along the freeway. There's been a lot of construction lately on the Sunset Highway.. like this:


We received another donation for $35, so now we can send on another bit of money to the Quilas. Thank you all!


Aunt Kate and Uncle Tom will be arriving to visit this Friday. They'll be staying the whole weekend. Gabriel will be delighted to have four new arms to help him walk around.

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