Tuesday, March 21, 2006


We spent Sunday, Sunday night, and Monday at the coast this past weekend. The goal was to take Gabriel to the Oregon Coast Aquarium, which we did. But playing in the sand was, by far, the best part of the trip. Well, except the staircase at Mo's in Lincoln City.

But among all the displays of sharks, fish, otters, puffins, seals and sea lions, Gabriel liked the simulated tidepool with real sea life the best. Here's a shot of him reaching for an anemone.

He was also pretty fond of the starfish tucked under the corner, as well.

And to any parents out there who would like to go to the Oregon Coast with a toddler, I highly recommend the Looking Glass Inn where we stayed.

Located in south Lincoln City, properly known as Taft, the hotel has all sorts of reasonably priced rooms with:
-seperate-bedroom suites
-Mo's chowder house right across the street (Gabriel couldn't get enough of the halibut fish and chips)
-a boardwalk overlooking the Siletz Bay across the street
-direct beach access across the street, and
-good espresso places in case your toddler decides to melt down rather than sleep through the night

We got home last night before 8pm after less than a two-hour drive - which Gabriel slept through mostly, put Gabriel to bed, and I then promptly fell asleep on the couch leaving a hand print on the left side of my face.

Good Times!

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