Friday, August 22, 2003


Hi, everyone. Jill and I are in Chiang Mai, Thailand in the very far north of the country. The Golden Triangle is roughly 1.5 hours north of here (Burma/Thailand/China/Laos area famous for illicit heroin trade). This city is very safe and touristy as it's similar to Guatemala with regard to indigenous peoples, arts and crafts, etc. We're doing alright, though I think the exotic food has caught up with Jill. She's been a little under the weather, but not seriously so.

But I'll get to that another time. Below is a tip I've forwarded on to the FBI from here regarding a suspicious couple and four children that were with them this evening. If you have more time than you care to admit, feel free to read this and do some searching on your own for these people on line. I couldn't find them on my first hunt on the U.S. Missing/Exploited Children website. Read it and do some searching if you care to. Hopefully the FBI/U.S. Consulate will act soon.

At 6:38 pm at the Pizza Company restaurant (dated and time by my order receipt) in Chiang Mai, Thailand, I witnessed a suspicious pair of adults, one male and one female, with four children whom I believe might be kidnapped.

The couple were aged roughly in their mid-40s. I witnessed the female the most as the male was gone for a while with one of the children (boy) and returned to the restaurant right before I left with my pizza.

She was mid-40s, caucasian, slightly wavy black/dark brown hair between shoulder length and waist length. She was fairly tall for a woman, 5-6" or 5-7", maybe more, somewhat big-boned (150lbs. plus)somewhat thick-lensed, thick-framed glasses. She wore a t-length summer dress, blue flowers/patterns printed on white fabric. She wore a fair amount of make-up, though not extreme, with slight southern U.S. accent.

The male was probably similarly aged and I don't believe much taller. Likely under 6'0". He was caucasian, wore his blonde to slightly graying hair short/crew-cut style and had a closely shaven beard/goatee. He probably weighed no more than 170 lbs., likely less. He was fairly lean. He wore a light t-shirt sensible for this tropical climate and he wore what looked like longer walking shorts with pant leg to the knees and pockets with metal snap buttons on them. On neither male nor female did I notice eye color due to my distance.

With these two were four children. Two children were definitely girls, likely sisters due to similar features, and almost definitely bi-racial (black/white). I'm guessing ages ranging from 6-10, the older likely 9, younger likely 6 or so. They were both a little pudgy/baby fat but not significantly overweight. Fairly long, wavy semi-afro hair that had the blond/dark-brown mix of a biracial girl. Eyes were brown as best I could tell.

The third child was not more than two, still in diaper, blonde boy. I believe his eyes were blue. He was upset frequently and the woman would pick the child up, hold him and swat him across the bottom fairly hard with not-the-best intent based on demeanor. The more he cried, the more frequently she swatted him, including across the bare leg rather hard. All the while she would stare out the front window of the pizza store as if she was "looking out" (it was like a fish bowl completely surrounded with floor to ceiling windows).

The final child was likely four years of age, definitely a boy, black. He was rather skinny, very short hair. Nothing else distinguishable. He was away with the adult male while the woman was alone with the three other children. She was rather cruel in her description of having to put up with the children while the male was away.

In general, the demeanor, words, characteristics, etc. of the couple were suspicious in the way they spoke only to each other, the way she watched out through the front door cautiously and the way in which the two adult caucausians had four children, three of which were at least in-part black in heritage, and in age given the young two-year old boy they had with them and who, clearly, the adult female didn't truly care for. It was obvious these weren't benevolent parents with adopted children or missionaries with adopted children, etc. They exhibited no true care for the children, but rather borderline if not outright contempt.

I took my pizza back to my wife's and my room, then searched the U.S. missing/exploited children website to no avail. I went back and tried to snap photos of the couple to no avail given the lighting difficulties with my camera. They all departed the pizza restaurant roughly 30 minutes later (when I was there watching them from a distance in the Chiang Mai night bazaar) and as best I can tell they headed west from the restaurant along the main street that the Chiang Inn/Night Bazaar is situated on.

I'd be happy to answer any other questions you may have, though I'm on vacation with my wife in Thailand presently. I can be reached at my email address all the while.

We will be in Chiang Mai tomorrow (Saturday 23rd) until 6pm Thailand time as we're headed to Bangkok by overnight train arriving Sunday morning. I do not have a contact telephone number convenient as a result and no current arrangements in Bangkok where we may be contacted. On the 28th, we will be in Hong Kong at the Sheraton Harbor View Hotel and can be reached there.

If I can be of any other service..

William E. Reid

-Anyway, I'll write more later when I can. I get charged per minute for internet use, so I try to keep it short. Besides, Jill's back in the hotel room worried sick I'm sure. I left her there with the pizza to try to photograph the people, but didn't have any luck that wouldn't get me followed or worse.

Bye for now.

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