Friday, March 12, 2004


Yesterday, Jill turned the 18-week corner. Not only that, but her rash is clearly clearing. So, to celebrate, I've found a photo of what the typical fetus looks like at 18 weeks. Many may recognize the image, but I do not know its origin.

Pretty cool, huh? Jill has definitely noticed that the baby has been moving around. She can sense its gymnastics during the day or night. It isn't large enough for me to feel its movements through Jill's belly, though. All in good time.


John went to the doctor the other day and learned that he will be able to forego surgery because his eyes are improving so quickly. As a matter of fact, the doctor said that he'll be able to get a pair of corrective lenses soon and he'll see well enough to drive. That's fantastic news and we're very happy for him.

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