Monday, March 15, 2004


So here's the lesson: If you massively attack an anti-terrorist democracy immediately before its election, that country will fold like a cheap tent and run.

No wonder the Mexicans hate them. So our Spanish friends have provided even greater motivation for Al-Queda to attack the U.S. this year. They won't be successful because they've signaled their strategy and they're not smart enough to try something new. If I were a Spaniard, I would not be proud. However, shock of all shocks, NPR actually had a Spanish supporter of the rulling PP (Partido Popular) party - Aznar's party.. Spain's Reagan.. saying "nations are like spouses - you stick together through thick and thin."

I suppose Spain just filed an all-our-fault divorce.

BUT - if Al-Queda truly bombed Spain for their support of the Iraq war, THERE'S YOUR PROOF OF A LINK!

More, better commentary than I can even dream of writing:

Andrew Sullivan
Jeff Jarvis
Glenn "Instapundit" Reynolds

But the BIG loser is: Latin America. How the heck could they be conquered by these Spaniards? I mean, really, their conquest by the Spanish can now only be viewed as a major miracle. I suppose the Conquistadors were right all along.. God truly was on their side. Spain, alone, is clearly incapable.

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