Monday, July 26, 2004

Jill reported having Braxton-Hicks contractions for the first time on Friday. Apparently, she had them irregularly for the better part of the afternoon, including off and on at home and at Costco. Changes in her activity did indeed stop the contractions, so she knew they were false at the time.

We're approaching our 38th week and I'm not able to travel much further than an hour or so from home. Adding insult to injury, I've been working like a dog, unable to help Jill and we've been having a heatwave in the Portland area.


Unbeknownst to me, a State of California judge can swear in a freshly-minted attorney for another state (republic). So, Tom doesn't have to make the trek up here to a local county courthouse, stand behind a line of gay couples rehearsing their nuptuals, and get sworn in by an Orygun judge.

Mom and Dad will be in Sacramento next weekend for the ceremony. Tom, have you paid all of Kate's and your parking tickets? Probably not a great time to have that brought up.

We might have gone also, but we didn't want to take the risk of our baby being a Californian. (With apologies to Kate, of course.. we love you anyway)

Looks like Portland/Vancouver will be a crossroads for quite a few people in the next few weeks.
Sue will be driving Me-ma, possibly Leigh, Toni and Terran (sp?) up here in the near future. She's on her way to Sheena Flowers' wedding in Anchorage. Jeff Bahr will be flying to Portland, switching planes, and then heading to Anchorage himself for the same reason.
The girls and Me-ma will likely stay in the area for a while, the former enjoying various entertainment and recreational opportunities afforded up here.. like mowing my lawn. Just kidding! I think Mom has some bright ideas for them, including berry picking. Weigh them before they pick.
Leigh, I am told, may come up to also pick berries, vegetables and fruit in the local orchards along with Mom. I don't know what army they plan on feeding, but I expect our Christmas stockings this year will be rather heavy and clink like glass.
Alternatively, Charlotte Wachdorf insists she'll be headed our way in time for the birth of the baby of undetermined gender. For her, it's simply a matter of getting someone to accompany her all the way from Illinois (or is that Texas?) to Portland.
While I've had my hands full with work, there have been many nice volunteers helping with sanding, priming and painting of doors in the house before the baby arrives. Specifically, I wish to thank:
Jill, John, Mom and Dad.
Thank you!
If you're looking for addictive on-line amusement to fill some time or reduce some stress, check out The games there are all free, amusing, suitable for the whole family but a little too cutesy for my taste. The best of the few I've tried is Floats. 

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