Wednesday, July 28, 2004

They're still irregular and not very frequent, but they are varying in intensity. Jill's still doing alright, but having more difficulty sleeping due to general, not contraction-ralated, discomfort.
Leigh emailed with greater detail about their pending visit to the Portland area. I couldn't sum it up any better than she has:
Wanted to let you know that Teri is going to be heading up there with us as well.  I believe Toni and Taryn are going up with Sue...not sure though so don't quote me (oops, I did quote her-ed.).   Teri and I aren't sure if we are going to drive or fly...depends on how much time she can get off.... Both girls are excited about going.  They want to camp, pick berries, play with Elle and Toni said she wants to go fishing. 
Looks like Me-ma will have to charge up the batteries on her scooter as the girls will be keeping her and the rest of us on the go.  As for my take on the berry's gonna be cruel, simply cruel.  I'm still on the good 'ol South Beach Diet and won't be able to enjoy the fruits of my labors. LOL

I thought South Beach allowed you to eat darker fruits like berries and such because of the Vitamin C and antioxident content compared to the pure carbohydrate content.

Either way, sounds like great pun!

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