Tuesday, September 28, 2004


Last week I was in Newport, Oregon giving a presentation to the City about the local economy as part of a larger economic development strategy and planning study we are conducting. A newspaper reporter was there to do a story on the study process, but when giving my talk, I didn't even notice that the guy had a camera. If I had, I would have kept my top chin up higher so as to not reveal my second one.

Well, it turns out that Al Benkendorf and I were in Newport's News Times September 24th edition. Al is President of The Benkendorf Associates Corp., a planning firm that we work with frequently on assignments throughout the State. Immediately below is the photo.

The story itself can be found here. A different client pointed out that an associate saw me in the paper, so I figured there was only one possibility... my mugshot from this weekend likely won't be printed.


Jill and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary over the weekend. We enjoyed a nice dinner at Monteaux's Public House. Jill liked the Nicaraguan food (ropa vieja) so well a few nights before that we returned for an encore. Again, all was exceptional. Gabriel barely lasted to the end of dinner before registering his displeasure with having to wait for his meal. Jill slipped out with him while I waited on the check.

A bottle of Broadley Vineyard's 2002 Pinot Noir and new wedding bands will be enjoyed in the many days to come. I love you Jill.


Yesterday was also yet another 39th birthday for Mom. How many is that now? 16? We took her and Jill's parents out to dinner at Newport Bay restaurant for fish.. South Beach dieters in the group, after all. Everyone enjoyed their meals, except Gabriel. Well, Judy's oysters were fried in oil that tasted too strongly of fish. They remedied with pan fried oysters that were met with her happy endorsement. Gabriel, however, decided he was hungry not too long after we sat down. But then he changed his mind, preferring to fuss and stare at the parking lot lights rather than actually eat. Little stinker.

We returned home to enjoy a brownie cake made by Judy for the occasion. Thank you!


Tom and Kate were in town from Thursday night to Sunday evening. While they were here, they visited with Gabriel (while he and Jill were awake), went out for dim sum, looked around the area and went wine tasting with Kate's friend Meika (sp? sorry if I misspelt). Kate started her visit here with a meeting with one of her law firm's clients in Portland.

Since Gabriel's sleep schedule is still so irregular, our waking hours made it feel like their visit was incredibly brief. But we had a good time and all three of us look forward to their return.. before Gabriel's 6' tall - you two better hurry and book new tickets!.


Well, our clothes dryer finally keeled over this weekend. Tom and I tried to disassemble it to see what was the cause of the burning smell (the duct was clean as it was new). Well, Amana dryers are not built for repair as we soon found out. So, it's kaput.

But Mom & Dad generously agreed to give us a new washer and dryer combo for our Christmas gift(s) this year, so we went shopping with her and found stackable front-load washer and dryer at Best Buy. Great deal and Consumer Reports rated the models as Very Good quality. In return, she gets from us the slightly used Kenmore washer and dryer we so very much love, but have had to store in the garage since we moved into our house. The space for the washer and dryer is too narrow for both of those wonderful high-capacity machines to fit.

Win-win for everyone! Particularly Gabriel, who goes through clothes like nobody's business. Thanks, Mom & Dad.

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