Thursday, September 23, 2004


No, I haven't forgotten I had this blog. Yes, I've been rather busy. I'll update more substantively soon enough.

But really quickly, I managed to track down the Suprise Ending to the upcoming movie, The Forgotten, starring Julianne Moore. It's the spooky mystery movie about a mother who grieves her dead son that everyone else claims she never had. So she tries to find the truth behind the big charade.

So here's my Spoiler Spoiler* (highlight the invisible text below with your mouse to read it):

After spending most of the movie trying to uncover the conspiracy theory behind why no one remembers her dead child, it turns out she never did. Aliens, interested in studying human behavior, have toyed with her reality and memory until she discovers the truth in the last few minutes.

*This is a slightly speculative spoiler. Unlike other movies, this one has kept a pretty tight lid on the surprise ending. But between bitter reviewers (bad reviews) flirting with letting the cat out of the bag AND some reliable website forums I scan, I'm confident that 2+2=4. If I'm wrong, so what.

More photos and more news around the corner.

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