Friday, April 29, 2005


Boy did I screw up the date. Will Gardner, the son of our Seattle Principal Matthew Gardner, celebrated his first birthday on Wednesday. Here's the most recent photo I have of him, from Christmas 2004.

Apparently, Will's mom and dad Dana and Matthew threw a nice party for Will Wednesday night. Will's Godfather even flew in from Paris for the occasion - apparently hand-delivering some very good champagne. Congrats to Dana and Matthew.

The Gardners have been extremely busy lately with Will's birthday and selling their home in Bellevue. I can't even begin to imagine the stress. But they have a new home picked out and look forward to the move and the new space for Will to cruise and then run around!

Happy Birthday, Will!


Here's a graphical report of who reads this website by worldwide time zones. Readership is obviously biggest in U.S. Pacific time, but then it gets more interesting.

U.S. Central time is second, followed by U.S. Eastern, Mountain, Alaska and then Central Europe (or Africa - Nigerian scam artists?) and Asia.

So, to everyone, Hello from Oregon!

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