Friday, May 13, 2005


I have been a bit busy lately and haven't had time to put together what I want to update. Long delayed items are still on my plate (Mother's Day, Gabriel's 9th month, Steve's wedding, etc.) but it's been a bit difficult to carve out the time. Soon enough.


I spoke to Gramma Reid on Mother's Day. She was in the hospital still with pneumonia in one of her lungs. She was feeling better than the previous two days and managed to have a decent conversation with me before getting tired.

I can honestly say I don't know of her current condition, but based on my experience talking to her she was on the mend. We keep her recovery in our prayers.


Our Mother's Day celebration was good.. Gabriel gave his mom a very nice gold locket not shaped like a heart and I gave Jill her favorite hot cocoa powder from Moonstruck Chocolates.

Then we went with Gramma Dianne, Gramma Judy and Grampa Koke to the Raccoon Lodge for a surprisingly good brunch (some of the other, fancier places were not good for scheduling around Gabriel's nap). Then we went to the garden of Barbara Blossum Ashmun, a well-known garden designer that leaves in Beaverton. She opens it up the public only on special occasions, including Mother's Day.

We hope everyone had a wonderful Mother's Day!

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