Friday, June 24, 2005


Well, I got some response to my comments yesterday at the website I mentioned,

Someone responded that Wal-Mart creates sprawl, but when pressed they couldn't give a satisfactory answer to how sprawl, defined as uncontrolled development, is controlled in Oregon by a UGB, even though one might not like the type of development that's occurring.

It's clear that by "sprawl," at least in Oregon, opponents of Wal-Mart really mean "development I personally don't like." UGH.

Here's the link for a continuation of the dialog. I made the point this morning that since the Supreme Court has ok'd governments taking private property to benefit a private developer (under the thin veneer of "economic development"), and since our urban growth boundary has helped push land prices sky high, lower-income individuals living in mobile home parks are threatened with homelessness because their largest asset - their homes - are in jeopardy.

So I pose the question, what's worse: more traffic from a Wal-Mart OR hundreds of people threatened with being homeless because of too-restrictive land-use rules in Orygun?

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