Tuesday, June 14, 2005


It seems he had a nice birthday on the 30th. Here's his summary of the festivities:
Yeah, we had a pretty good party. Most of Kate's family, some friends from work and Chris were there.. We got to meet some of the new neighbors too, so that was good. We have two retired people, a stay at home mom and her husband, and a veterinarian and her husband living next door to us. Yeah, i talked to mom and Andi yesterday morning. They called around 8am just as I was getting up. And dad called me yesterday (seems mom reminded him it was yesterday and not today!).


I've been quite busy. To the left is a new photo of Gabriel, courtesy of his Gramma Dianne. As time allows, I'll post.


He's just coming out of a fussy eating phase where all he'd eat was either milk or little rice-based snack crackers flavored with juice. The doctor wanted to see him, but ended up not being worried because he's still gaining weight. Just a phase I guess.. lately he's been blowing out the cabinet of food of all sorts.

Lately, though, he's enjoyed fresh strawberries and boysenberries from our garden. Last night, we sat down and ate a peach together. He opens wide and bites right in and gnaws the thing to death, but he loves it.

He's in the beginning stages of trying to stand. And when assisted by holding an adult's hands, he'll walk all around the house non-stop until your back gives out. Plus, he loves to give kisses - but sneaks a bite in every now and then <NO BITING!>

Other developments: he's pulling himself up in his bed or by grabbing a table. He's pulled himself up by grabbing my hands for a long time now. He sits up on his own and loves to roll all around the floor after Nino.

Finally, and most impressively, the little guy is already demonstrating a fascination with bugs. When held in front of his bedroom curtains, decorated with all manner of colorful, cartoon garden bugs, if he's asked to pick out the ladybug he'll grab for it every time. Smart little guy.

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