Friday, January 26, 2007


GABRIEL FRANCIS - that's what Gabriel began to declare over and over again last night after seeing his reflection in our bedroom window. It was a surprising and funny moment of self-discovery as he has pretty much avoided saying his own name or any part of it.

Now, all of a sudden with great pride, he will happily tell you his name is GABRIEL FRANCIS and that he's "2".

It was very cute, very touching, and very funny.

Other bits we're proud of: He already knows and identifies most major colors, can count to 6 (but 5, for some reason, comes after), and in his currently favorite book "Snow" he knows and says all of the rhyming words himself.

He's also taken to helping sing his lullabies, specifically "Winkle" (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and "Peace" (All Through the Night - Peter, Paul & Mary version). Not only that, he'll sing "Zoo" (Going to the Zoo, Peter, Paul & Mary/Raffi versions) any old time.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Myrtle Cash Passes

Aunt Mo Myrtle Cash (Hays) passed away around midnight, January 10, 2007. Her condition immediately prior had worsened to the extent that her physicians recommended she be taken off all but her pain medication for comfort purposes.

For anyone wanting or needing the information: they are cremating her and placing her next to Glennda Sprouse in Okolona, Arkansas. A memorial service for her is being held in Bay City, Texas. Flowers can be sent via Bay City Floral at 979-245-9492.

Uncle Jimmy's (J.C. Cash) phone number is: 979-244-2568, and their address is: 2720 Cottonwood, Bay City, TX 77414.

All of Myrtle's adult children, Uncle Jimmy and his sister Alice (92 years old) have gathered in Bay City. They would all likely enjoy hearing from everyone.

Me-Ma has been doing okay, just a little low. She is the last surviving sibling of the Dr. John and Myrtle Hays family.

We offer our most sincere condolences.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It Is Better to Remain Silent and Thought a Fool...

than to speak and remove all doubt. -Sam Clemens

Having said that, there are some major family and personal developments I haven't been documenting. Luckily, someone has: Kate Reid.

Kate and Tom are expecting their first child in April. Kate has admirably begun blogging about her experience at I strongly encourage a visit and a greeting to Kate and Tom at their site.

Beyond this announcement, way overdue on this blog, I honestly don't know how often I'll be updating in the future. I have much to say, some of it actually positive, but I'm not in a place where I feel so inclined or motivated to publish it. I would encourage family newshounds to instead follow Kate's blog. I mean really, there's nothing unlikeable about the pending arrival of a new baby.

So, thank you and until I feel like getting back in the saddle, please enjoy occasional Gabriel photo posts. Also, don't forget to check out our flickr photo album. I update that with new pics on a regular basis. Now featured: the Kauai vacation.