Tuesday, January 09, 2007

It Is Better to Remain Silent and Thought a Fool...

than to speak and remove all doubt. -Sam Clemens

Having said that, there are some major family and personal developments I haven't been documenting. Luckily, someone has: Kate Reid.

Kate and Tom are expecting their first child in April. Kate has admirably begun blogging about her experience at itsareid.blogspot.com. I strongly encourage a visit and a greeting to Kate and Tom at their site.

Beyond this announcement, way overdue on this blog, I honestly don't know how often I'll be updating in the future. I have much to say, some of it actually positive, but I'm not in a place where I feel so inclined or motivated to publish it. I would encourage family newshounds to instead follow Kate's blog. I mean really, there's nothing unlikeable about the pending arrival of a new baby.

So, thank you and until I feel like getting back in the saddle, please enjoy occasional Gabriel photo posts. Also, don't forget to check out our flickr photo album. I update that with new pics on a regular basis. Now featured: the Kauai vacation.

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