Friday, January 26, 2007


GABRIEL FRANCIS - that's what Gabriel began to declare over and over again last night after seeing his reflection in our bedroom window. It was a surprising and funny moment of self-discovery as he has pretty much avoided saying his own name or any part of it.

Now, all of a sudden with great pride, he will happily tell you his name is GABRIEL FRANCIS and that he's "2".

It was very cute, very touching, and very funny.

Other bits we're proud of: He already knows and identifies most major colors, can count to 6 (but 5, for some reason, comes after), and in his currently favorite book "Snow" he knows and says all of the rhyming words himself.

He's also taken to helping sing his lullabies, specifically "Winkle" (Twinkle Twinkle Little Star) and "Peace" (All Through the Night - Peter, Paul & Mary version). Not only that, he'll sing "Zoo" (Going to the Zoo, Peter, Paul & Mary/Raffi versions) any old time.

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