Monday, November 03, 2003


I had a business trip to Sacramento last week, well Wednesday and Thursday, where I got to drive all over Roseville and North Sacramento looking at apartment complexes and lying about who I was in order to get information about the project they otherwise wouldn't reveal. Kinda like a secret shopper.

While there, I spent the night at Tom and Kate's estate in Natomas. They have a really impressive two-story house now with nine-foot ceilings, sitting areas and a kitchen with enough space to hold a dance. I was impressed, to say the least. I did ask about the name of the street: Paul Corter. It turns out that all the streets in their development were named after police officers killed in the line of duty.

I thought the idea a little bit morbid, but then again, it's certainly a better tribute than anything I've heard many cities publicly attempt. While I was there, the murderer of officer Bill Bean Jr. (Bill Bean street is two blocks from Tom & Kate) was found guilty of 2nd degree murder and was made ineligible for the death penalty. Police officers present at the sentencing were shocked and disappointed. You can read about it here.

I suggested that a mob of Bean's family spring him from jail, take care of business and then bury the remains under Bill Bean street. Get Mike Benner on the phone!

While there, Tom and I hit In-N-Out twice for lunch

and then Kate, Tom and I had Jamaican food at a restaurant near downtown (buffet!). It was a good trip.


I finally broke down and purchased our tickets to San Antonio (pronounced Santone), Texas for Thanksgiving. John, Judy, Jill and I will be headed down to spend Turkey Day and the weekend with Jill's grandmother. John and Judy will be headed down sooner than we will as we have to work the Wednesday before. She's trapped in Sherz, Texas because her insurance supposedly won't let her leave the state and receive oxygen.

Our crack team of lawyers in Sacramento suspected that was a bunch of hooey and that the insurance plan couldn't dictate her ability to travel in that way. We'll be investigating further.. I'll follow up with details. It will be fun to visit Texas again, well Santone anyway. I hope to post some info about Santone and what we hope to visit while there, in addition to Charlotte.


Will Galvin, my first roommate and friend from Baylor University, emailed recently to say hi and give some news about his goings-on. I kinda felt sorry for Will.. his freshman dormitory roommate card said his roommate was from Anchorage, AL instead of Anchorage, AK. So, instead of a hick from the Redneck Riviera who might have been some fun, he got a nerd from Alaska.

He's back in Delaware with his wife Julie and their son Jake (six years old! Hi, Jake, if you're reading this.) He was in Saudi Arabia for the Air Force managing purchase contracts with local Saudi vendors. Now he's back home, working on a master's degree as is Julie. He didn't say what either was pursuing, but I do recall that Julie is a skilled painter. Will, if you read this, email with more details. I know my family would like to know.

He did say he recently bought a new car - picture below - and was very happy with it. He always did have a weakness for sporty cars.

Not bad, eh? Well, greetings from Oregon to Will, Julie and Jake!

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