Saturday, November 22, 2003


Well, the good news coming out of San Antonio is that Charlotte (Gram, Char-Baby) Wachdorf is now back at home with Art and Lorrae Wachdorf, her son and daughter-in-law. Her condition is fairly stable and no longer requires constant monitoring.

She is, however, now under hospice care with a nurse coming by weekly to check on her status. She has been diagnosed with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) - credit goes to Les Hardison for the link and update info. - which is incurable. In effect, without oxygen at all times, she cannot survive. Further complicating things is the fact that her bone marrow is now only able to supply 50% of normal new blood cells to her system. She has been taken off of coumadin, due to continued internal bleeding problems which are waning, and her diabetes medication as it also apparently is contributing negatively more than it is positively.

Needless to say our thoughts and prayers are with her, Judy and their family. We look very forward to seeing her next week for Thanksgiving. John and Judy are already down there as of yesterday. Jill and I will have a bounty of goodies from the German deli that will no doubt lift her spirits. Here's a photo of a very proud Charlotte with her son, Air Force Colonel Art Wachdorf, who she now lives with in San Antonio.


Further less-than-good news was reported by Tom yesterday. His California bar exam results came in and he did not pass. He'll get detailed information about what sections were good for him and which were not. He says he'll take California again eventually, but now he knows he (and Kate) will need to take the Oregon bar exam and, possibly, the Washington and Nevada exams as well just to diversify his and her future opportunities.

Jill and I can't say we're happy he did not pass, but we're certainly happy that the turn of events will bring them up for a visit in February for the Oregon bar exam and, possibly, a future, permanent relocation for jobs. Besides.. we need someone to help out when Mom and Dad move up this direction.. our hands will be full!

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