Thursday, November 20, 2003


Yesterday, I posted about how the Heatmiser was on vacation and that his brother, Snowmiser, thought he was too much. Links were provided, but I really didn't realize what kind of a following these two claymation characters have until I played around with

The two brothers, each fighting for control of Earth's weather, are from the Rankin-Bass Christmas special A Year Without Santa Claus. I didn't find the show all that compelling as a whole, but the Heatmiser and Snowmiser each sing quite a swinging song that's hard to forget for those who remember it - the show was from 1974.



If you Google these two characters, you get all sorts of hits in addition to the two I linked yesterday:
This one gives links to both Heatmiser's song and lyrics and Snowmiser's song.
This one states that Miser Brothers Christmas lights for your tree (!!) are no longer being manufactured - with a picture.
This one details the 2000 Rumble in the Claymation Jungle grudgematch - with voting - between Heatmiser and Snowmiser. You can click the link at the bottom of the page to a site declaring the winner and other important headlines.

Here's my query page for anyone that's wants to look into this further...

And for all of you who think I'm an idiot for posting all of this information, here's a link for you.

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