Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Gabriel Francis, of course. Two flights and nearly 7 hours by plane didn't seem to greatly phase him, even with a somewhat rough landing in Honololu. I arrived feeling sluggish and with a headache; Jill had the same but with a bout of nausea thrown in.

We actually arrived into Kaua'i on an earlier flight that scheduled because we remembered to check with the help desk for seats on the soonest flight after arrival. You can easily change your tickets to leave on any flight between islands... usually. That wasn't our experience last time, of course.

So now we're in our rental home in Poipu. Not all is pleasant here, yet anyway. The stove doesn't work and we haven't yet heard back from them about whether or not they can fix it. The whole point of staying in the rental home was for Jill to be able to cook things without wheat (even soy sauce has it! - not easy to avoid in Hawaii) and fix Gabriel things whenever he gets hungry. So, feeling ill and tired and having the realization that the rental house is defective, it wasn't a pleasant day yesterday.

Ah, but Gabriel is a trooper... literally. He's trooping all over the house on his own, even holding objects in one hand and both. He's really taking to walking very quickly and happily. He still falls on his behind frequently, and he still will wall-walk and crawl, but his bipedal wanderings are longer and more ambitious each time.

It'll take a while for all of us to get used to the time and daylight difference. We're three hours behind Pacific time. We were all basically awake by 4:30am local time this morning/7:30am Pacific. All in good time, I suppose.

Well, we have arrived safely and we're looking forward to daily adventures. We'll keep things updated as time allows. Gotta run.. Gabriel got his head caught in the backpack.

Okay, back. Here's a message from Gabriel:

ug thyvj nbvhy`dub` n hghtyhgbv cdc``n j8h87


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