Tuesday, September 06, 2005


Little Boy has slowly been learning to say his own name. His babbling started out as gobba-gobba-gobba.. sounding a little bit like a gobbling turkey. But recently, he's added a distinct "r" sound to the end and he's clearly saying gabr-gabr-gabr.

A skeptic might say he's just babbling random sounds. But what a coincidence that his babbling should be growing in complexity and similarity to his own name, a word he hears us say very regularly. We don't think it's coincidence.. he's clearly mimicking the syllables of his name.

Speaking of mimicking, here's a shot of Gabriel growling back at me and showing off his teeth.

He also now has 11 teeth, can stand on his own without assistance from object or person and is taking a few steps in between furniture. He's learned how to make the Indian tremolo sound with his hand and mouth.


Gabriel got to visit with his favorite aunt and uncle, Kate and Tom. They flew up from Sacramento to visit for a long weekend. Activities were a bit limited with Gabriel's nap schedule and the fact that Kate unfortunately caught the cold that was passing around up here. I was knocked out by it and didn't make it to my company's summer barbecue as a result.

But when they were here, Gabriel quickly reacquainted with Tom & Kate and had a great time playing with them. We had smoked red (sockeye) salmon on the grill before they left, so the weekend wasn't lost.

Thanks for coming up!


We recently received another $300 donation and a $35 donation, bringing the grand total up to $1,835.

Thank you everyone for your generosity. We greatly appreciate it. We urge you to also give to charities helping with Hurricane Katrina aftermath.

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