Friday, March 30, 2007

Be Careful What You Ask For

Kate has issued a warning of eviction for a certain short-term tenant at her blog Its a Reid!

I have to warn her that a judge will order the eviction, but with some rather tough conditions: the tenant be granted a new, 18-year lease with option of a 4-year renewal after that. There is no reversion of the value of improvements when the leasehold is up.

The lease is full-service, not triple-net. Tenant improvement expense is substantial and recurring. The tenant will be very noisy with wildly varying hours of operation for the first two years of occupancy. The tenant will drive significant maintenance & operations expense, as well as overhead including substantial insurance expense. And beware the capital reserve requirement for "college education." Is there a stronger word than exorbitant? Extortion?

However, federal and state tax law does provide some relief for various provisions of the leasehold for the property owner(s).

But here's the ironic rub: the tenant may, eventually, become your landlord and/or make custodial decisions for you in a remarkable reversal of roles. So it is in your best interest to be a fair and wise landlord!

Norma Goodman Passes

Being an Alaskan got a bit less distinctive last week. Here's a link to remarkable obituary for her remarkable life.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Why Is She Bothering With American Idol?

She starts blowing the competition out of the water at 3:48 if you want to fast forward.

I think the Chairman of the Board would have agreed.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007


I don't think I've posted about it before, but since July of 2005 I've served as Consulting Economist to Ada County, Idaho (Boise metro area). I'm in town today on assignment as a matter of fact. And every time I come, I get a new assignment. Consulting gold, basically.

Anyway, I've been asked to begin assisting the Ada County Paramedics service provider figure out exactly how much new developments need to pay for new paramedic facilities and services, and I kicked off a new assignment today in helping the Kuna Library District figure out what types of facilities and service needs several new developments will require of them.

Crazy stuff, but it's a lot of fun. Hopefully, I'll remember to post more about all of this in the near future.

By the way, there have been a number of comments to posts lately - thank you for the input.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

The Day is Still Interesting

So I'm sitting at the airport waiting for my 11:40 Boise flight and who should also be waiting not 20 feet from me?

Jerome Kersey, former star of the Portland Trailblazers.

I hope I don't sit next to him; Horizon airplanes have only so much room for people over 6'3".

Update: Nice Video of Zach Steer's Iditarod Finish

Click on this link for a nice interview video with Zach Steer just after he crossed the finish line of the Iditarod in Nome.

Not A Good Morning

Did this happen to you this morning?

You woke up an hour too late for a 6am flight?


In your rush to get to the airport anyway after only eight hours of sleep in the previous two days, hoping the flight will be delayed, you hit a seemingly invisible freeway off-ramp divider curb at about 50 mph and burst your front driver-side (and, therefore, freeway side) tire at about the location in the webcam below?


You got sprayed over and over again - in your sport coat and slacks - by cars speeding by a little too closely on their way to work as you changed your tire on the right-side pullout?


When you attempted to loosen the nuts on the tire in the pre-6am darkness, you somehow didn't get the jack perfectly under the car and the car slides off of the jack back to the ground?


When finally - tired, wet, and grubby - you go to the back of the car to get the spare that you leaned on the bumper, you look and see that the spare disappeared?


When you looked around you realized that when the car slipped off the jack, the tire managed to slip off of the bumper and roll 100 feet across three lanes of interstate freeway to rest in the middle median?


You had to run across the three lanes of traffic, admittedly not peak rush hour because its only 6am, fetch the tire and when there were few enough approaching cars you ran it back across the freeway to your car?


After you got everything put back in place and drove off you heard the brakes - which needed work anyway - grinding even worse than before indicating something possibly more serious?


Finally, when you got to a phone and called the airline about missing the flight, the agent states that the airplane was delayed for more than 30 minutes and you realize you would have made the flight if it wasn't for having extraordinarily unlucky tire trouble?

If you did, your morning was as bad as mine. Trust me when I say I hope you said no to the above questions.

Monday, March 19, 2007

By the Way...

I've uploaded a few new photos to our Flickr photo album. Click on the photo of Gabriel in the previous post or click this link and you can view them.


Gabriel's New Friends

Gabriel's New Friends, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Yesterday, Gabriel and Mama went to Gresham and brought back four new friends for Gabriel - and a solution to Gabriel's insatiable appetite for eggs!

No names yet, but we have some contenders:

How about Laverne & Shirley for two of them?

There's one of each of four varieties (images from and
A Golden-Laced Wyandotte pullet

A Barred Plymouth Rock pullet

A Black Star (hybrid) pullet

and A Golden Comet (hybrid) pullet

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Congratulations to Zach Steer

The Anchorage Daily News is reporting this morning that fellow Service High alum Zach Steer surged into Nome past four-time Iditarod champion Martin Buser to take third place in the Iditarod.

Wow. Congratulations!

He'll take home $57,000 in prize winnings, likely to help train next year's team. I doubt there'd be much left to invest in his Sheep Mountain Lodge in Sutton.

In a way, this doesn't surprise me. I have one image of Zach indelibly burnt into my memory. In June of 1991, while hiking to the top of Flattop Mountain in Anchorage (and sucking wind while doing it), I looked up the mountain and saw a red-headed runner in shorts and a t-shirt running down the mountain path.

As he got closer, I recognized the runner as Zach, training for the grueling Mt. Marathon in Seward. He had run up and down the mountain in preparation for the July 4th race that year. That's the race that my jr. high friend Andy Hornung ran and lacerated his leg on loose shale rock when he fell on his descent, requiring too many stitches to count.

Anyway, finishing the Iditarod is quite a feat, much less finishing in the top three.

By the way, Lance Mackey - another fellow GenXer - (and yes, son of previous winner Dick Mackey and half-brother of previous winner Rick Mackey) won the Iditarod last night wearing bib #13 on March 13 - the same bib number worn by his father and brother when they won. Most notably, he made history by becoming the first to win both the 1,000-mile Yukon Quest and the Iditarod in the same year. He is also a cancer survivor, and in a pleasantly ironic way, I'm guessing a victory by anyone else could not be more appropriate in light of Susan Butcher's loss to cancer this past year.

A remarkable Iditarod all the way around: a herculean victory, a passing of the generational torch, a racing dynasty cemented, and tragic disease overcome.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


Christmas Joy, originally uploaded by korynasz.

Indeed, particularly on Gabriel's mommy's face. This must clearly have been the end of the Grotto's Festival of Lights tour.

Gabriel was 16 months in this photo and clearly a handful after only four months of walking and running experience.

So this is just to say that our page of photos has been updated to include recent events (including Gabriel's trip to Texas and Gabriel cooking chicken-broccoli-salt-grapes-Joe's O's soup) and some "greatest hits" from earlier in Gabriel's life like the photo above.


Happier News of a Fellow Alum

I went to the Anchorage Daily News website this morning and was delighted to learn that Zach Steer, a fellow Service High School alum (Class of '91 - a year after me) is currently in the lead in the Iditarod. He apparently pulled into Ophir first early this morning. Looks like they're taking the Southern Route this year. | Sheep Mountain's Steer leading heavyweights

Which reminds me of a couple more fellow Service alum's: Chad Champ and Glen (Ryan to some of you) Coulson.

I heard from both of them via email recently (both doing quite well) but I haven't posted about that yet. I'm trying to figure out how to post photos of Chad's family that he sent, but I haven't come up with a good workable solution yet.

In the meantime, here are their MySpace pages (confirmation that people over 30 are on MySpace)

Chad Champ
Glen Coulson
Tom Reid (nice webcam shot, hoser)