Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Not A Good Morning

Did this happen to you this morning?

You woke up an hour too late for a 6am flight?


In your rush to get to the airport anyway after only eight hours of sleep in the previous two days, hoping the flight will be delayed, you hit a seemingly invisible freeway off-ramp divider curb at about 50 mph and burst your front driver-side (and, therefore, freeway side) tire at about the location in the webcam below?


You got sprayed over and over again - in your sport coat and slacks - by cars speeding by a little too closely on their way to work as you changed your tire on the right-side pullout?


When you attempted to loosen the nuts on the tire in the pre-6am darkness, you somehow didn't get the jack perfectly under the car and the car slides off of the jack back to the ground?


When finally - tired, wet, and grubby - you go to the back of the car to get the spare that you leaned on the bumper, you look and see that the spare disappeared?


When you looked around you realized that when the car slipped off the jack, the tire managed to slip off of the bumper and roll 100 feet across three lanes of interstate freeway to rest in the middle median?


You had to run across the three lanes of traffic, admittedly not peak rush hour because its only 6am, fetch the tire and when there were few enough approaching cars you ran it back across the freeway to your car?


After you got everything put back in place and drove off you heard the brakes - which needed work anyway - grinding even worse than before indicating something possibly more serious?


Finally, when you got to a phone and called the airline about missing the flight, the agent states that the airplane was delayed for more than 30 minutes and you realize you would have made the flight if it wasn't for having extraordinarily unlucky tire trouble?

If you did, your morning was as bad as mine. Trust me when I say I hope you said no to the above questions.

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