Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Happier News of a Fellow Alum

I went to the Anchorage Daily News website this morning and was delighted to learn that Zach Steer, a fellow Service High School alum (Class of '91 - a year after me) is currently in the lead in the Iditarod. He apparently pulled into Ophir first early this morning. Looks like they're taking the Southern Route this year. | Sheep Mountain's Steer leading heavyweights

Which reminds me of a couple more fellow Service alum's: Chad Champ and Glen (Ryan to some of you) Coulson.

I heard from both of them via email recently (both doing quite well) but I haven't posted about that yet. I'm trying to figure out how to post photos of Chad's family that he sent, but I haven't come up with a good workable solution yet.

In the meantime, here are their MySpace pages (confirmation that people over 30 are on MySpace)

Chad Champ
Glen Coulson
Tom Reid (nice webcam shot, hoser)

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