Friday, April 13, 2007

Gabriel Downtown

Yesterday, Gabriel spent the morning with me downtown. After singing his little heart out to his favorite Raffi CD,

we got into my office and watched Wallace & Gromit for a little while.

I set up the big screen and hooked the movie up to the projector, so the picture was pretty big ("Big TV, DADA!) And he thoroughly enjoyed a Starbucks berry/yogurt parfait while he watched.

After that, we walked over to Pioneer Place, hopped on a Max train,

and rode all the way to Sunset Station through the big tunnel. He clearly had a blast, because when we pulled out of Washington Park station, he joyfully declared "I love Choo-Choos!"

Afterward, we met Mama for lunch at Todai and Gabriel chowed down on teriyaki, tomato salad, sushi, about eight orange wedges and my peach crepe.

1 comment:

Gramma said...

Sounds like you and Gabriel had a great time!